Looks like a typical liberal woman. Can’t tell her that she needs to put on some clothes because its cold outside. No, she will wear what she wants. And how dare you stare. She is not a sexual object while wearing just her underwear and sexually attracting ensembles.
But, I bet she’s expecting some government worker to assist her with her need whenever she needs it…. whenever she decides that it really is cold outside and thus might have to put clothes on. But now, she can’t afford to do it herself because she spent all of that Obama-Money on her Obama-Gas to get out to the Obama-Approved “wild space”.
drowningpuppies on Comrade Sanders Clashes With RFK, Jr Over Climate Doom: “RFK, Jr. shit all over Bernie and Pocahontas about taking millions from Big Pharma. https://nypost.com/video/rfk-jr-gets-into-fiery-exchange-with-sen-sanders-on-big-pharma-contributions-in-congress/ Bwaha! Lolgfy Losers! MAGA47 Mothefucker!” Jan 30, 21:06
david7134 on If All You See…: “He needs to learn when to keep his penis sheath shut.” Jan 30, 20:08
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “How Rimjob can be so idiotically cavalier about the tragic deaths of 67 people is beyond reason. The asshole is…” Jan 30, 20:05
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Despicable He,Il Douche, champion of ridding us of federal workers, blames President Biden for the tragedy, yet there were ZERO…” Jan 30, 19:34
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
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Looks like a typical liberal woman. Can’t tell her that she needs to put on some clothes because its cold outside. No, she will wear what she wants. And how dare you stare. She is not a sexual object while wearing just her underwear and sexually attracting ensembles.
But, I bet she’s expecting some government worker to assist her with her need whenever she needs it…. whenever she decides that it really is cold outside and thus might have to put clothes on. But now, she can’t afford to do it herself because she spent all of that Obama-Money on her Obama-Gas to get out to the Obama-Approved “wild space”.
[…] Pirates Cove-If all you see….. […]