Will Liberals around the world freak out over this, as they did with Iraq?
(Zee News) The United States is accelerating its plan with Middle Eastern allies to secure Syria’s vast stockpile of chemical weapons as that crisis in that country continues to worsen, according to a report.
According to America and Middle Eastern officials, the planning, involving intelligence and military officials from at least seven countries, includes detailed arrangements for securing chemical arms with special operations troops in the event that parts of Syria are seized by militants.
The stepped-up preparations have coincided with increased military training in the region, including an unusually large multinational military exercise underway this month in Jordan, Syria’s southern neighbour, The Washington Post reports.
Do we doubt that Syria has WMD? No. We know they do. We knew Iraq had them, and was running programs to develop more. We also know that the protesters in Syria are continually becoming more and more tied to Islamic extremist groups. The bigger question is “will liberals protest with a Democrat in the White House if he goes fishing for WMD?”
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.