In the issue of priories, worrying about fanciful weather predictions for 50-100 years down the road should be way down at the bottom
(89.3 KPCC) With climate change continuing to create a myriad of new and uncertain weather and water-related issues, no state in America is better at getting ready for our environmental future than California.
Because the weather was always predictable before mankind discovered the combustion engine
As reported by the Hermosa Beach Patch, a recent study by the National Resources Defense Council found that California is one of only nine states (including Alaska and Wisconsin) that has created strategies to deal with the host of predicted situations like water shortages and droughts.
“Because of the significant risks to the state from increasing temperatures, changes in precipitation, sea level rise, and ocean acidification, California has been one of the leading states in the U.S. on climate change action,†states the report, titled “Ready or Not: An Evaluation of State Climate and Water Preparedness Planning.â€
Well, good for them! It’s not like California has a $16 billion deficit, and that at least 100 of 482 California cities are on the brink of bankruptcy by the end of 2012 (7th paragraph). That the housing marking is still in the tank. Companies are fleeing for other states. Their health care system is collapsing from pandering to illegal aliens. And that there are those dangerous fault zones. No, hey, let’s worry about the weather a hundred years down the road.
By contrast, as many as 29 states (including Texas and Ohio), have done next to nothing to get ready for potential weather-related climate impacts.
Perhaps that’s because they aren’t run by hysterical idiots.

Proof please. Please describe exactly the “myriad” of new weather.
Please detail the new myriad of water-related … “issues”… can be pointed directly to man’s actions. Please do not describe direct actions such as dam-building.
Also, please describe what an “uncertain weather” is. And if it is uncertain, how can one actually describe it?
For a mere $39 million government grant, I will establish scientific guidelines as to exactly what constitutes “hot” and “cold” and “wet” and “dry”. For an additional $11 million, I will also include “hot and wet” and “cold and dry” in the scope of the study.
Yeah, had to love that “uncertain weather” part. Virtually all weather is uncertain, except thatvyou know something will happen.
But, Proof, according to Warmists hotcoldwetdry happens at the same time. So I’ll tack an extra $20 mill on for the research.
Well, for an extra $20 mil, I could probably bring on an associate. It’ll be a busy weekend, Teach, but I’m sure you’re up for it!
And I bet Proof will also state that this research requires extended stays at various 5-star CA resorts.
GB: I’ll take the research grant in a lump sum, but I think I can conclude my research over the course of a long weekend. You are probably right. To really explore the ramifications of “wet/dry”, I’m thinking a seaside resort would be essential. If they have a steam room, and margaritas at the bar, I can explore all three states of water in one visit.
There’s your problem. Three states of water???
Let’s see.
I’m not too sure we can now trust your research if you have issues classifying the “uncertain” water types.
Teach, I can conduct the research in to Proof’s research for a meager $75 million
. I would of course have to gather the same type of data at the same locations over the course of a similar time frame. 
First of all, get your own scam, this one’s mine! Second, don’t expect to score the big grants if you publish your results before the study! Heh.
Well,.. crap. Certainly Teach can afford it.
Monday morning links…
Memorial Day and ordinary men Campus and Armed Forces–Too Far Apart Socialists attempt to appropriate Memorial Day for political ends Mystery of Martian Meteorites’ Organic Stuff Solved Angry at coal? Then turn off your lights My 10 Favorite Hate-C…
Sadly, they’re richly deserving of what’s coming their way, but the strong may once again be called upon to save the weak-having no say in the matter whatsoever. As things are, we will be forced to bail out the weak until we can all drown together-fulfilling the Leftist pipe dream of social justice fairness.
The weak used to perish, but now they thrive. On its own California does not possess the skill or the will for its own preservation. The voters continue to select representatives who are unwilling or incapable of making decisions that will allow California to survive.
Those who do not wish to be part of it, need to leave. While alot of people and businesses are… not enough IMO. What we need is a reverse-gold rush. People who value freedom and the yearning to be free of tyranny, need to vote with their feet.
You’d also be surprised how much cheaper the rest of the states are compared to CA.