Monthly Archives: May 2012

If All You See…

…is a Gaia killing dog walking in a flooded world, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Patterico’s Pontifications.

Scientific American: Are We Past The Hotcoldwetdry Tipping Point?

How many times have we been told that the Earth is going to pass some ecological tipping point only to see it pass without fanfare (the SA story even starts by telling us about a failed one)? Here comes yet another (via Tom Nelson) (Scientific American) Don’t look now but we are running in midair, […]

Joe Biden: “Being A Plumber Doesn’t Qualify You To Be President”

How about being a community organizer who wrote a few books and started his political career off in the living room of domestic terrorists? Never having done any actual work in the private sector, never having had to lead a company, make a profit, balance a spreadsheet? Does that qualify a person? (MSNBC) “Your job […]

Latest Poll Shows Romney Slaughtering Obama In North Carolina

Though, I don’t think I’m allowed to use the term “slaughtering” in the era of New Tone. Anyhow, this new poll shows dead, buried, and decomposing cat bounce for Obama (WRAL) President Barack Obama and likely Republican challenger Mitt Romney are in a virtual tie for North Carolina’s 15 electoral votes in this fall’s election, […]

Flat Earthers Worried About Earth’s Water Cycle

Because the natural world should always stay exactly the same (UPI) The Earth’s dry lands are getting drier and wet ones wetter as climate change shifts and accelerates the globe’s water cycle, U.S. researchers say. Everybody panic!!!!!!1!!!! Changing patterns of salinity in the global ocean during the past 50 years show a clear fingerprint of […]

What If Occupy Gave A World Wide Demonstration And No One Came?

I was looking through my Instapaper account, searching for an old article on globull warming, and forgot that I saved this UK Guardian article from May 11th, which was a hoot. It’s in the “Comment is free” section (unless you oppose globull warming, then you get banned), written by the “International Raping Women, er, Occupy […]

If All You See…

…is a picture found through random web surfing that is killing Gaia, and a field that should be full of solar panels, you might just be a Warmist I was really temped to change IAYS to Random Gaia Killing Surfing, but, na. The blog of the day is Bright&Early.

UK Families To See Energy Prices Skyrocket Under Green Energy Reforms

From the Department Of “Well, Duh!!!!” (UK Telegraph) Plans designed to help Britain “keep the lights on” while also hitting its climate change targets will be published in the Government’s long-awaited draft energy bill today. The proposals are intended to secure investment in clean energy generation methods to avert a looming gap in supplies as […]

Surprise! Women Being Excluded In Egypt

Who would have thought women would be relegated to the sidelines in Egypt, being made second class citizens, if you will, as the Islamists consolidate their power in? (Washington Post) After Egyptian women stood shoulder to shoulder with men in the protests that toppled Hosni Mubarak, many looked forward to a role in the revolution’s […]

Catholic Organizations Sue Obama Admin. Over Contraceptive Mandate

Nancy Pelosi told us “we have to pass the bill to know what’s in it,” (NMP) Obama said “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it.” We were told that the more we know about Obamacare, the more we’d like it. How’s that working out? (CNS News) The Archdiocese of New York, headed […]

Pirate's Cove