A little late to this news, was doing that work thing. The office of Saxby Chambliss put out this statement
Today, U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder regarding recent reports that several conservative political commentators have been targeted with harassing and frightening actions. Chambliss demanded that Holder examine these cases to determine if federal laws have been violated.
These dangerous hoaxes, also known as “SWAT-ting,†occur when a perpetrator contacts local police to report a violent incident at a target’s home. These callers are believed to utilize voice-over IP (VOIP) and other less-traditional telecommunications methods to make the call appear to come from the target residence and to hide the caller’s true identity.
In response, a dispatcher sends a SWAT team or other police unit in a heightened state of readiness to the unsuspecting target’s residence. Targets only learn of these false reports when a large police presence descends upon their homes.
In the letter, Chambliss states that “Any potentially criminal action that incites fear, seeks to silence a dissenting opinion, and collaterally wastes the resources of law enforcement should be given close scrutiny at all levels… Regardless of any potential political differences that may exist, threats and intimidation have no place in our national political discourse. Those who choose to enter into that political discourse should not have to worry about potential threats to their or their family’s safety.â€
Full text of the letter is available at the link. Good for him. I’m currently waiting for my Congress people, Richard Burr (R), Kay Hagan (D) and Brad Miller (D), but leaving Congress with the redistricting) to follow on.
The Jawa Report: Well at least this is a start. I know Eric, Nation of Cowards, Holder sux but at least this, hopefully, will gain more of our representatives attention as well as the silent MFM. Except for FNC who at least did a segment on Erick Erickson’s SWATting.
Dan Riehl mentions, as does Michelle Malkin. ABC News covers it. Excellent. Now it needs to make the national evening news.
The Other McCain mentions this, and also wonders if Brett Kimberlin was stalking BlogCon.
American Power has a long post on lots of Kimberlin info, and says “Keep the pressure on — it’s working!”
The Lonely Conservative: Let me add that Kimberlin’s targets aren’t all right-of-center. One of his first victims is a liberal blogger, you can read his story here.

[…] commentators currently experiencing threats and harassment by an as yet unidentified source.The Pirate’s CoveI’m currently waiting for my Congress people, Richard Burr (R), Kay Hagan (D) and Brad Miller (D), […]
[…] World View, Political Insider, The Jawa Report, UrbanGrounds, The Camp Of The Saints, Pirate’s Cove, Mediaite, and Examiner.google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created […]
It’s a start, but it’s not enough.
The judge in Maryland needs to be thrown off the bench. His ruling and unwillingness to follow the Constitution and precedence is beyond troubling.
Over at ROH we are going “dark” on Friday in support of Walker and the other victims of Kimberlin. We have already sent a letter to our Congressmen as well.
I am not expecting much, but it never hurts to be a part of the chorus.
I’ve emailed and called my critters. They said they would “look into it.”