June 12, 2012 – 6:35 pm
Does this quote from His Royal Majesty Barack H. Obama beat out the previous post on needing an additional $36 trillion for globull warming? You decide (via Hot Air, where Allahpundit Erika Johnsen discusses) “Those of us who have spent time in the real world understand that the problem is not that the American people […]
June 12, 2012 – 2:45 pm
Yes, you read the headline correctly (via Tom Nelson) (CNN Money) The International Energy Agency said the world’s clean energy investments are sorely lacking and this week called for an additional $36 trillion of funding by 2050. In a sharply-worded introduction to a 700-page report, IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven said governments and […]
June 12, 2012 – 1:00 pm
…is an awesome Gaia compliant bicycle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Daley Gator.
June 12, 2012 – 12:11 pm
What is GISS? That’s NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Government funded. The money comes from taxpayers. Primarily at the force of law. Steven Goddard has found out that the archived data and James Hansen’s writings have been blocked Michael Hammer has found the original uncorrupted GISS US temperature data on John Daly’s web site. […]
June 12, 2012 – 7:49 am
Even calling Obama “cool” is racist (Washington Examiner) Angela Rye, Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus, argued that President Obama has struggled during his first term due to racially-motivated opposition from conservatives who dislike having a black president. “This is probably the toughest presidential term in my lifetime,” Rye said during CSPAN’s Q&A yesterday. […]
June 12, 2012 – 7:29 am
The big questions is, can anything be done prior to the November election on this lawsuit? Will Florida get the information they need to purge the Florida voter rolls of those who are not legally entitled to vote? (The Hill) Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) said he will sue the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) […]