For all of Obama’s carping about fixing illegal immigration, which mostly disappeared from his rhetoric after he announced, proving that it was simply a shiny object to distract from bad economic news and the issues surrounding his stonewalling attorney general, most Hispanics who are legal citizens eligible to vote aren’t that concerned about the issue. They’re worried about what everyone else is
(Politico) American Hispanic voters are more concerned about health care and unemployment than they are about immigration, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll.
In fact, only 12 percent of Hispanic registered voters said that immigration policy is the most important issue to them.
Health care was cited by 21 percent of registered Hispanic voters as the most important issue; 19 percent said unemployment; 17 percent said economic growth; and 16 percent said the gap between rich and poor.
Hispanic voters are an increasingly important electoral demographic, and President Barack Obama’s recent change in immigration policy — to halt deportations of certain young illegal immigrants — was widely seen as a boost to his already strong support from Hispanics. But this survey suggests that several issues are more important to Hispanic voters.
“Although Hispanic voters are less likely to mention immigration as their top concern, those who are immigrants and first-generation Hispanic Americans are more likely to mention it than those whose family has been in the U.S. longer than that,†notes Gallup.
Those Hispanics who do care should ask themselves if the program announced by Obama will even happen. Keep a good eye on DHS, see if they start offering the work visas prior to the election. And wonder if you are simply being pandered to.

I’ve always wondered about the claims (just heard one on FOX news) that immigration is a BIG concern for hispanic voters. My bewilderment stems from me wondering why someone who already has the right to vote (a citizen) would feel threatened if immigration laws were to be enforced. I would understand they may wish for relatives and friends to enjoy the benefits of being US citizens but having travelled the legal path – as hard as that is- why would they think others should be given a free pass?
This new poll suggests legal hispanic immigrants may share my view more than not.
Gallup says that 2 out of 3 Hispanic votes will go to Obama. Many of those are in the very important swing states.
Key thing in this statement and what Obama has hyped…. AMERICAN hispanics. If they are American, then of course they are not worried about immigration. And, Obama’s recent pro-illegal stance won’t impact American hispanics either. And that is why he made the point to mention.. American hispanics.
However, we all know the point is for illegal non-legal-voting felons who cross over the border.
True American hispanics value laws, family, and hard work.