You just knew someone was going to do this
(The Hill) Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) seized on the portion of the decision that upheld EPA’s “endangerment finding†that greenhouse gases are a threat to human health and welfare.
Waxman, the top Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee, called the decision a “resounding victory for science.†The court found that EPA “relied on a substantial record of empirical data and scientific evidence.â€
The California Democrat used the ruling to criticize the GOP’s efforts to nullify EPA’s climate rules.
“Today’s ruling is a message to Congress that it’s time to stop denying science. Extreme events like the wildfires in Colorado and the floods in Florida are going to get worse unless the Republican-controlled Congress changes course soon,†Waxman said in a statement.
Because they’ve never happened before. While the Colorado fire is bad (prayers for Michelle Malkin and those who are affected) it isn’t even close to being the biggest, as Steven Goddard showed. But, you know, if Waxman is so concerned, perhaps he should stop taking inter-continental flights back and forth between California and Washington, D.C.
PS: I also really wanted to find some way to reference Debby doing something, since she was doing Dallas.

I truly hope this goes to the Supreme Court.
But then, with their recent anti-state\ pro-federalism rulings, I’m not holding my breath.
Funny how every single living human is now a dangerous element to the environment. We have been found to be an endangerment.
And, the court agreed finding themselves under the eminent life-giving permission of the federal government bureaucrats.
I also find it sad, woefully sad, that no republican in Congress has suggested a bill to reign in the EPA.
Sadly, nothing will ever change. Once enacted, Congress ever refuses to undo previous sessions. We are stuck with these new Declarations of war against humanity.
Someone has legislation tee’d up to reign them in, forget who, perhaps Inhofe?
He’s my senator, but has he done anything but rant and rave of late?
Even Coburn has written a book about the gov’t waste he has found and presented every year. Sadly, Coburn will be retiring soon.
[…] its face such a question might seem asinine, but consider Henry Waxman, AKA Nostrilsaurus Rex QUICK, hide the Cocaine! (The Hill) Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) seized on the portion of the […]