Irony: Talking About Climate Change And Get An “Audible Thud”

I’m a terrible person for finding this bad break a bit schadenfreude (via Tom Nelson)

GetUp director Simon Sheikh was recovering from a bout of influenza when he collapsed on live television.

Mr Sheikh slumped forward as panellists on the ABC’s Q&A program discussed the carbon tax and climate change, with his head making an audible thud as it hit the desk.

Irony is so ironic, considering that the Labor Party in Au. is getting destroyed over their carbon tax policies.

GetUp is a far left progressive (ie, fascistic) movement in Australia. Mr. Sheikh is doing OK and recovering. From the flu, that is.

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3 Responses to “Irony: Talking About Climate Change And Get An “Audible Thud””

  1. mojo says:

    Was it just after he said “I just can’t get over the feeling that at any moment, something awful is going to happen.”?

  2. Gumball_Brains says:

    “Carbon tax is the best thing for humanity or so help me, God can strike me down right now”

    Hey, Mr Sheikh…. GETUP!

  3. david7134 says:

    Did you see that the AP has used the recent outage, fires and heat to claim that this is like global warming?

    I knew it was coming. Funny how they don’t understand climate variation. But the sheep will respond.

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