Last November, a United Nations report told us just how evil air conditioning and refrigerators are. And a couple weeks ago the NY Times had a hissy fit over A/C, but, of course, wants those in developing nations to bear the burden of having their A/C restricted. Warmist policies would lead to rolling brownouts and blackouts. What happens when their beliefs are forcibly implemented by Mother Nature? Extended Earth Hour, and people do not like it
(CBS News) From North Carolina to New Jersey, nearly 1.8 million people still without electricity were asking the same question Monday evening: Why will it take so long to get the lights back on?
Nearly three full days after a severe summer storm lashed the East Coast, utilities warned that many neighborhoods could remain in the dark for much of the week, if not beyond.
Friday’s storm arrived with little warning and knocked out power to 3 million homes and businesses, so utility companies have had to wait days for extra crews traveling from as far away as Quebec and Oklahoma. And the toppled trees and power lines often entangled broken equipment in debris that must be removed before workers can even get started.
Many people have been screaming at the power companies to Do Something. Not that easy when they have to deal with all the downed trees and debris and put up new lines, power poles, and other necessary parts of the grid. And there is serious concern over the health of seniors during this long Earth Hour.
The lack of power completely upended many daily routines. Supermarkets struggled to keep groceries from going bad. People on perishable medication called pharmacies to see how long their medicine would keep. In Washington, officials set up collection sites for people to drop off rotting food. Others held weekend cookouts in an attempt to use their food while it lasted. And in West Virginia, National Guard troops handed out food and water and made door-to-door checks.
There’s a brief view of what life would be like under Warmist policies, as coal fired plants are taken off line and replaced with unfeasible and inconsistent solar and wind, which are unable to cope with the power demands during what was historically called “weather events.”
(The Town Talk) With no power at his home, Morgan Smith has been sleeping on the floor where he works at Market Street Coffee. On Monday morning, the barista was joined by people who crowded into the cafe – one of the few places in this rural corner of Loudoun County with power and free, working Wi-Fi – to charge cellphones and work on their laptops.
People are also sleeping in basements and streaming towards those few places with power, sometimes just to take a shower.
(Baltimore Sun) For the second time in less than a year, hundreds of thousands of Baltimore Gas & Electric and Pepco customers are being forced to endure a week or more without electricity because of damage caused by a severe storm. Utility officials are aggressively defending their response. They say the storm was unusually intense and that the companies’ crews and those called in from others states are working hard to restore power. We’re sure they are. But that is of little comfort to those who are coping with the logistical, financial and, potentially, safety consequences of doing without electricity during a prolonged heat wave. State regulators need to take a hard look at what the state’s major utilities are doing to prepare their systems to weather severe storms, and they and company officials need to rethink a communications strategy that leaves customers in the dark in more ways than one.
Welcome to a world under “climate change (hoax)” policies. Of course, these same people are calling for all sorts of new government regulations and mandates. In the wake of the storm, the typical characters are calling for tons more spending on infrastructure (never let a good crisis go to waste). One idea is to bury all the power lines, which, on the surface is a good idea. That’s what we have in my neighborhood, and we rarely lose power. Of course, when the substations are taken out, doesn’t matter. And, it’s easier said then done in old neighborhoods.
Anyhow, Happy Earth Week! Enjoy a view of the future of liberal policies. I’m sure Warmists are calm and collected and not complaining at all, right? Right?

Expect them to blame the power companies and not their precious Gaia.
An observation: All those UN idiots wanting to eliminate air conditioning and refrigerators are sitting in their comfortable air-conditioned offices, eating food that got to them by way of refrigeration, and got to work using a gas-guzzling evil co2 producing vehicle.
Of course, it’s not about co2, or global warming, or the ice caps melting, or the seas rising, or even your refrigerator. Those people don’t give a sh*t about any of that.
It’s all about control, money and power.
I have been at war with my local power company for years. We have frequent, prolonged outages that make the people in Washington look like amateurs in pain and problems. And this is with just a light shower, or clear weather.
The problem is that we are dealing with companies that have not advanced in technology in 100 years. I have pointed that out to the engineers and they have no adequate response.
What is boils down to is that utility companies are an extension of the government. And they are unionized. This is the model for your health care. Hope you like it.
WTH?! Really? The gov’t wants you to transport your spoiled food to a collection facility?
Why not bury it? Bag it up and throw it out?
But then, I laugh because this would have been much worse had their whole system been designed around wind power and solar. How long and how expensive would it be to replace a large swath of downed windmills?…. and their powerlines. I’m sure there are windfarms around there and I’d like to see what happened to them.
Unfortunately, these dolts do not connect these extended Earth Hour parties with the self-same desires of liberals and greenies and Socialists. (but then I repeat myself multiple times there)
The problem is that we are dealing with companies that have not advanced in technology in 100 years
This is not true in the least. If you think the means of power generation and the methods of distributing that power have not changed, there is very little that can be said that will convince you.
Weds. morning links…
A book: Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences A Survival Guide for the Right in Leftist Academia Why Einstein Was Not Qualified To Teach High-School Physics At Vietnamese restaurants, Hispanic workers have become vital to survival…
What? Dig up my yard for the power lines? Are you kidding? Get Off My Lawn!!!!!
(Expected comment.)
I live amongst tall trees and overhead power lines. Wind, and occasional ice storms break limbs which take down the power lines.
Welcome to our world up here in New England, though for us the widespread power outages usually take place in the winter due to ice storms. So there’s a choice: no power during summer heat waves or no power during ice storms and below freezing temperatures.
Of course if the watermelon environmentalists get their way we’ll be doing both.
You know, I understand the costs involved in placing the power lines underground. I’m kinda ok with that explanation. What I dont like is what the power companies do to the trees when they trim them down away from the lines.
They turn them in to freaks of nature. And a lot of times, they just cut big U-shaped chunks out. So, if the tree falls over, it will still take out the lines.
And they never attempt to try and make the tree look half way decent, a nice trim-job.
You’d think eviros would be all up in arms about that. Guess its better to save a gnat,some fly, some poisonous snake, some blind puddle lifeform thingy, than make life easier for human existence.
Power companies are not arborists nor should they be. The power companies will trim trees to protect the power lines and free up the right of way. That’s it.
I talked to a tree trimmer down here in Florida who said laws prohibited power companies from trimming more of the tree than on the right of way.
When you think about it, that is the correct way to handle it. Why should all people pay for the trimming of a tree that is on private property and is the responsibility of the land owner? If a person wants their tree to be “pretty” and all that, pay for a tree trimming company to do it. Don’t demand or expect all of us pay for an individual’s responsibility.
I understand your concern and opinion on the way a tree is trimmed by power companies. To me, however, the instead of demanding power companies give the property owner “free” tree trimming that will be billed to all of us, the property owner should be the one accountable for the tree trimming.
Actually, I was not referring to trees that are on people’s property. I was also in fact referring to trees that are in that power line right-of-way. My statement referred to “big U-shaped chunks out“. Thus, I WAS referring to trees that are growing in the right-of-way.
Also, if you note my comment – “they just cut big U-shaped chunks out. So, if the tree falls over, it will still take out the lines.” It does not take that much more of an effort to finish the cut and make the tree just flat, instead of having a big U shape cut out.
You know, I once talked to some guy in some state too, and he positively said that this was all possible.
And, if I wanted to be snarky like you, I could point out the “fallacy” in your statement:
So, you want private land owners to be responsible for trimming trees near power lines? I bet you want them to be fined or jailed should a storm-felled tree cause power interruption?
I am sorry you found my comment to be “snarky.” It was not meant to be as such.
The subject of tree trimming is one we see all the time around here. People want the trees trimmed but don’t want to pay for it themselves.
For example, your “u-shaped” trim is mandated here in Florida. (In fact, I have one in my back yard. Every year I trim the thing away from the power lines, and make it “pretty.) The power company can only cut what is interfering with the power lines. This means they can’t go outside of the narrow right away even if it means cutting a u-shaped slice out of the middle. They can’t do what you are suggesting because they can only trim what is interfering with the power lines.
This means you get the weird cuts like the u-shape you are talking about. You also get one side of the tree trimmed and the other side left alone.
Tree trimming companies are against what you propose because they want the work. Power companies are against what you propose because they are not arborists and don’t want to be. They don’t want to get into disputes with property owners on how much of a tree should be cut down if it is outside of the right of way or not interfering with the power lines.
As for holding the property owner accountable, that at least would be consistent. We hold property owners accountable for grass that is too high, fences in disrepair that can become projectiles in storms, fluid disposal from cars that leak into the ground, septic tank maintenance that, if not performed, can harm others.
All I am saying is that there are very strict rules as to what the power companies may do to trees to clear the right of way. It is up to the property owner to take the next step of “beautifying” the tree or trimming it before the power company has to.