Pathetic, just pathetic. (NMP) Obama can’t even let this fine folks have their day without turning it political
(NY Times) President for half the country Obama for a fourth straight Fourth of July joined with military families to eat barbecue and watch fireworks from the White House lawn, but this year he also began the day with active-duty service members, presiding at a citizenship ceremony that made 25 of them new Americans.
The naturalization event on Wednesday in the ornate East Room, which was packed with the service members’ families and friends, was the third such ceremony in the Obama White House but the first on Independence Day.
“Happy Fourth of July,†Mr. Obama said. “What a perfect way to celebrate America’s birthday — the world’s oldest democracy, with some of our newest citizens.â€
It is fantastic, something which presidents have been involved in for a long, long time. We welcome these fine folks into our fold as full American citizens with all the rights, duties, and privileges that come with being a US citizen. Then Obama had to do this
“Just as we remain a nation of laws, we have to remain a nation of immigrants,†Mr. Obama said. “And that’s why, as another step forward, we’re lifting the shadow of deportation from deserving young people who were brought to this country as children. It’s why we still need a Dream Act — to keep talented young people who want to contribute to our society and serve our country.
“It’s why we need — why America’s success demands — comprehensive immigration reform.â€
I hear stuff like that on the radio and I want to punch it. They ceremony was about these troops, not about Obama’s amnesty policies for illegal aliens, which, really, is a slap in the face to those involved in the ceremony
All of the new citizens had been in the country legally; residents here illegally cannot join the military. They benefited from a legal fast track that shortens the naturalization process for service members in wartime to a few weeks, according to administration officials.
So, during a ceremony for people who came here legally, joined the military legally, and were fast tracked for citizenship, Obama just had to speak out and say we should give those who came here illegally the same chance. Pathetic.

[…] America.”I’m assuming this was after President Obama used the occasion to push for amnesty.Via Fire Andrea Mitchell, via Bad Bluegoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, […]
Ummm… no. we don’t. We WERE a nation of immigrants. Any illegal felon entrant is an invader under any country’s laws. Even Cuba. (you just try “immigrating” in to Cuba)
Heck, I don’t even have a problem with illegals joining our military if they want to become citizens. Granted, if they fail our go awol, the punishment will be greater. Make it a 10-year contract, with civi and scholastic training throughout, and they can jump their line for the test.
If an illegal shows that they really want to be part of America, I’m willing to give them a shot, especially if they join the military. It’s just sad that President Asshole had to do this and turn the event from being about the new American citizens into a campaign event.
Very True.
Hey, did you hear that Obama mentioned his immigration plan to bypass his Congress during an event about him that he arranged?
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