Awesome, simply awesome
(National Review) A report published by the DOE Office of Inspector General says the agency has been unable to locate $500,000 worth of equipment purchased with stimulus money. The $500,000 was part of a $2 billion Recovery Act dispersment given to the Advanced Batteries and Hybrid Components Program to “support the construction of U.S. based battery and electric drive component manufacturing plants.â€
As Coyote Blog points out, this is the best part
But the report won’t say where the equipment was lost, or who lost it: “It would not be appropriate to release the name of stimulus-money recipient where the $500,000 worth of equipment could not be located.â€
So, the Most Transparent Administration Evah!, the same one which wants Mitt Romney’s tax returns, refuses to say which company is involved.

Worry not…the $500,000 will show up about $10 at a time on Obama’s online campaign tally…showing contributions from Mickey Mouse, Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler…just like in 2008. Only this time, it won’t be Chinese, Saudi, and Russian benefactors pushing the ill gotten gains.
It will be the US Taxpayer lining the DMC campaign pockets.
The Worm
The question is:
“How brazen will Obama be?”
I think the administration thinks they are insulated enough to actually use the windfall “last minute” and “solitary” donations from “individuals” as proof of momentum shifting to his side. This will put all these donations in the spotlight while the media does everything they can to legitimize the perception without doing any lifting (read: investigation of the sources). I, also, think that this $500,000 will be coupled with all the other green energy failures with disappearing assets. I still haven’t heard anything after the fact about the FBI raid on Solydra. And, most of these companies seem to fold in too short a time after getting an injection of Goverment cash and loans.
Remember when Obama was bragging about assuredly raising $1 Billion for his campaign? That’s quite a limb to crawl out on unless you have something in the works.
The Worm
It does seem like if someone gets a federal loan, there is no expectation of repayment. heck, what’s the point? THere is no law enforcement in this tyranny-lite administration.
How much you want to bet that this bunch really tears up the place before they leave?