Dorsi Diaz at The Examiner calls this “dramatic and disturbing“, because glaciers obviously never broke off before CO2 was above 350ppm
An iceberg the size of Manhattan broke off this week from the Petermann Glacier, one of Greenland’s largest glaciers. The 46 square mile iceberg had been closely monitored by scientists, who also followed and documented last year’s break off of another iceberg that was twice the size of this one.
These 2 breaks combined have the attention of researchers. “It’s dramatic. It’s disturbing,” said University of Delaware professor Andreas Muenchow, who was one of the first researchers to notice the break, “We have data for 150 years and we see changes that we have not seen before.” Although glaciers do occasionally spawn such breakoffs, what’s happened in the last three years to the Petermann glacier is unprecedented, according to Muenchow and other climate scientists. In a statement today, Eric Rignot of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said, “The floating extension of the glacier is breaking apart. It is not a collapse, but it is certainly a significant event.”
As Steven Goddard asks, what do you think is supposed to happen?
Our friends get hysterical when they see runoff or icebergs calving from Greenland.
I’m curious what they think is supposed to happen? More than 400 billion cubic meters of snow falls on the Greenland Ice Sheet every year. That snow has to go somewhere, or it would eventually pile up to the top of the troposphere.
He further goes on to answer the AP’s unhinged Seth Borenstein
That is how glaciers work, Mr. Nitwit. The snow accumulates in the interior, turns into ice, flows to the sea, cracks, breaks off and floats away.
One hundred years ago a large iceberg from Greenland sank the Titanic, but no mentally deficient lefties were there to blame it on your SUV.
Warmists have a complete lack of scientific knowledge and grasp of reality.

Arctic ice looks like it is going for a brand new minimum record this year. Can we haz globull cooling soon?
Remember silly john, global warming causes global cooling.
Hey, why are all these calvings the size of Manhattan?
Next question, if we didn’t have calving like these twits want, what would happen to the hydrologic cycle?
Well, if we didn’t have massive calving, we’d start to see the glaciers march across the landscape in a new ice age…..which would surely be caused by too much heat, of course.
People are blaming global warming on shrinkage of polar ice caps. However, we have also put in place a ban on whaling, one which almost every nation is honoring, and this is leading to an increase in whale populations.
Now, my darling bride and I developed this theory — while on the beach Tuesday — that the shrinking of the polar caps is primarily due to a slight increase in ocean water temperature due to an increased number of whales peeing in the ocean.
That makes as much sense as any other explanation!
Everyone knows its not their peeing. It’s that they exhale when they come to the surface.
Plot the rise in the number of whales since the start of the 20th century and I’ll bet you it correlates well with the rise in CO2.
Dana’s on to some thing, though.