One of the main problems I have with terming things “green” is that it is no longer about the environment, but about reducing CO2, ie, the carbon footprint. That, and that the Warmists go way, way, way overboard. Here’s Grist In 2009, Seattle set out to to create the next generation of cutting-edge green buildings […]
Recent Comments
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Now do Avasopasem Manganese, Rimjob.” Feb 22, 18:04
- Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Elonva and the Doge-boyz are a joke. Why do they refuse to show their work?” Feb 22, 17:09
- Dana on ZOMG: Trump Has Shifted The Burden Of The Climate (scam) Onto Individuals: “When I ordered something on Amazon, I got two delivery options, Two day delivery and a “lower Carbon” delivery option,…” Feb 22, 17:08
- Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Mal, Did you stop studying physiology in the 50s? Do they not teach science in Louisiana? So is an infant…” Feb 22, 17:07