August 9, 2012 – 1:00 pm
…is the flag of an awesome country that signed Kyoto, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post about being busted for not smiling in England.
August 9, 2012 – 11:06 am
Gee, who would have thought that people and companies would play games with a carbon credit program? (NY Times) When the United Nations wanted to help slow climate change, it established what seemed a sensible system. Yeah, much like the Oil for Food program, which, BTW, is still seeing people being fined for bribes Greenhouse […]
August 9, 2012 – 7:55 am
One thing that you should know about Team Romney: they pick and choose the time in how they respond to Obama attacks carefully. Sometimes it’s quick, sometimes not. The campaign is based on being the adults in the room dealing with the foul mouthed abusive 5 year olds, and is aimed at those who are […]
August 9, 2012 – 7:30 am
Only in the Obama administration is a whistleblower position needed to protect whistleblowers from the Department of Justice (Fox News) The Justice Department’s inspector general has created a new position to help protect department whistleblowers and educate staff about them — a move that comes in the wake of Operation Fast and Furious. The “Whistleblower […]
August 8, 2012 – 8:22 pm
Strange how just about everything seems to go up in cost thanks to Obamacare (via The Lonely Conservative) (Fox Business) The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has been blamed for a lot of things—higher taxes, potential insurance rate hikes, and now, higher pizza prices. According to Papa John’s Founder, Chairman and CEO John H. […]
August 8, 2012 – 3:37 pm
Good thing we have hyper-lefty ex-Gov Jennifer Granholm around to tell us these things (HuffPuff) And then there’s the other end of the spectrum: an American scoundrel who reared her head this weekend, too. I refuse to give her publicity, so we’ll just call this venomous person “she who shall not be named.” (WT-Jenny is […]
August 8, 2012 – 1:00 pm
…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle and a building that is certainly not green compliant, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Left Coast Rebel, who discusses the tax return distraction.
August 8, 2012 – 11:50 am
How many years have Climate Realists, including myself, told people that the actual basis of the “climate change” (hoax) movement is to push for more government control (and putting lots of money in the pockets of climate researchers, but that’s a different post), and has little to do with actually stopping any sort of increase […]
August 8, 2012 – 9:25 am
Oh, come on, Mo, don’t you appreciate the 3-5 emails sent to you which seem so personal, asking for $3? Hey, you had a chance to hobnob with Obama at his 51st birthday party, all for $3! (Interestingly, I still can’t find any news on who actually won, including on Obama’s reelection website. One would […]
August 8, 2012 – 8:57 am
The Obama administration continues to pick and choose which laws to follow and which to ignore (The Blaze) Documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, indicate that General Services Administration (GSA) officials, with approval from the Obama administration, ordered local law enforcement officers to stand down and not arrest Occupy Portland protesters after […]