Monthly Archives: August 2012

Boston Globe: Biden Should Apologize For “Chains” Remark

The Boston Globe isn’t exactly a bastion of conservatism: in fact, it tends to lean quite left. And the editorial board isn’t as amused by Biden’s remark as so many other Democrats are When Vice President Joe Biden warned a Virginia rally of hundreds of African Americans that Republican efforts to loosen bank regulations meant […]

Obama Once Again Pushing Money For Teachers After His Stimulus Failed So Spectacularly

Hey, he needs that unionized public teachers campaign contributions and votes Obama: My plan will save teachers’ jobs President Obama again urged Congress to pass his jobs bill Saturday, this time with an emphasis on teachers. “Since 2009, we’ve lost more than 300,000 education jobs, in part because of budget cuts at the state and […]

Grist Loves Joe Romm’s Book, Notion Of Speaking Better On Climate

ManCrush by Warmist Chris Mooney (Grist) I don’t normally do this. But right now, I am going to come out and gushingly endorse a book: climate blogger Joe Romm’s Language Intelligence: Lessons on Persuasion from Jesus, Shakespeare, Lincoln, and Lady Gaga. Everybody who cares about why science doesn’t get through to the public should read it. […]

If All You See…

…is a world flooded because some charged their iPhone, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post about Democrats lining up against Special Operators.

New Era Of Civility: Democrat Spits On Romney Supporter

Using Democrat language, this is an indictment on the entire Democrat Party, showing that all Democrats are mean and filthy (Post Crescent) A bus tour event on behalf of Mitt Romney turned ugly Friday afternoon when a protester interrupted a rally and spit in a supporter’s face. The event featured Wisconsin state Sen. Alberta Darling […]

Ryan Pledges Romney Administration Will “Put Aside Childish Things”

Hopefully, one of those things will end up being the Obama administration (Daily Caller) Ryan said that if elected, Mitt Romney would treat Americans like adults. “We have a very serious choice to make,” Ryan told the crowd. “And what Mitt Romney is offering is to make a decision together.” Ryan has earned praise as […]

Bummer: World About To Get Pushed Over Globull Warming Cliff

Warmists who refuse to give up their fossil fueled travel and big “carbon” lives hit hardest (Grist) There’s a new scientific paper out in the journal Nature called “Approaching a state shift in Earth’s biosphere.” In a sane world, it would be front page news. This is from the abstract: Localized ecological systems are known […]

If All You See…

…is a mass of planet killing humans standing in a world ravaged by drought, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is American Power, with some Rule 5 Paul Ryan for the ladies.

State Department Edits Documents, Adding All Sorts Of Obama Narcissism

Sadly, I’m not surprised in the least (via The Lonely Conservative) (Heritage)Inserting himself into the biographies of past presidents on the White House website apparently wasn’t enough for President Obama. His State Department is now editing its descriptions of foreign countries into yet another taxpayer-subsidized campaign commercial for the Obama Administration. The State Department has recently […]

Bummer: Kids Won’t Know What Surfing Is

Another stupid pronouncement of doom and gloom sometime in the future from Warmists (via The New Nostradamus of the North) (Pacific Standard) “Every time a new climate study comes out its worse than the last,” Hechter says. “Climate change means more big storms. More storms, more surf, right? I guess that’s the most you can […]

Pirate's Cove