Economy in stagnation, foreign policy melting down, unemployment and underemployment high, etc and so on, and ex-Queen Pelosi is worrying about Lady Parts
(The Hill) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is urging Vice President Biden to focus on women in Thursday’s night’s upcoming debate with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the GOP’s vice-presidential hopeful. “I just would say one word to the Biden people: Women,†Pelosi said in a Tuesday night interview on Current TV.
“Whether you are talking about women’s health care, whether you are talking about Medicare, whether you are talking about . . . equal pay, ending discrimination in the workplace, the rest of it.â€
Democrats sure have a sexist and regressive view as to what women care about, eh? In Liberal World women apparently don’t care about starting and running businesses and such.
And what could possibly go wrong with giving Joe Biden this kind of advice?

Yes! Be sure to focus on women, Mitt. Focus especially on how the Left treat women who dare stray from the message. How the Obama administration pay their women less, how many Democrat representatives pay their women less than the men, how the Left jumped into bed with women-hating Islam and especially how abortion in this country has killed millions of females.
The lovely Mrs Pelosi is absolutely right: the women in this country who would be concerned about starting and running businesses are going to vote Republican.
The Democrats are narrowing their appeal: they are looking solely at voters who may be employed, but who are on the edge, and are fearing that their jobs might end. The Democrats are looking for the people who want or need something directly from government, not those who need government to get out of the way.
Yes, focus on women. Tell them how it was the Democrats who fought against civil rights, fought against the elimination of poll taxes, fought against women’s rights, against religious liberties, against parental rights, against families, etc.
But, it will be funny if Biden remembers this in his own particular unique way… talks about how “Republicans want to get in to women’s parts.”
Whose lady parts should he concentrate on? Hers? That’ll put the scare’em in his harem!
Yeah, I really didn’t need to think about Pelosi’s lady parts. Shudder.