I blame you, dear reader, for failing to reduce your big fossil fueled life, refusing to take just one 2 minute shower a day, using more than two sheets of TP, and living a 1st world lifestyle
(The Day) Winemaker Cherie Spriggs had watched the weather over southern England’s vineyards all season long. It just wasn’t good enough for Nyetimber, her award-winning sparkling wine.
“‘I have never seen a situation like this before,” Spriggs said. She was left with only one option and the company decided to forego the 2012 harvest.
Few have gone as far as Nyetimber but drought, frost and hail have combined to ravage Europe’s wine grape harvest, which in key regions this year will be the smallest in half a century.
Thierry Coste, an expert with the European Union farmers’ union, said Wednesday that France’s grape harvest is expected to slump by almost 20 percent compared with last year. Italy’s grape crop showed a 7 percent drop – on top of a decline in 2011.
“Two big producing nations, France and Italy, have not known a harvest so weak in 40 to 50 years,” Coste said. “All the major producing nations have been hurt.”
That’s right, frost, as in “cold freaking weather.” As in zero degrees Celsius in the South of Europe in the wine growing areas. These are the same conditions which were seen during the last cooling period, from the 1940’s to the late 70’s, of which many were worried about a “coming ice age”. The same conditions which were prevalent in Europe during the Little Ice Age and Dark Ages (it was a cool period). Dry and cool.
Coste did blame it on “climate change”, but did go on to say that it was natural. Waiting for Warmists to blame this on Mankind in 3…2…1…., using their talking points about trapped heat from greenhouse gases causing it to get cold.

Won’t hurt my feelings. I much prefer my New Zealand, Australian, Californian Argentinian and Chilean wines and the prices are much more amenable.
I blame silly john and his mom bocephus and their anti-american anti-tax law ways.
I blame Gore for forcing climate to change to not warm. I will blame Gore and his friends for every person that dies from severe cold.