And by Soccer Mom, I mean Opus at American Perspective. She was walking by the home of a typical unhinged liberal, who then decided to spew and vent and act like a typical leftist thug. Head on over and read the whole thing, plus watch the video, of which Opus writes
Look at him. You should have heard him before I started filming. Sorry for the poor film quality. The camera is shaking so much because I was really shaking….
Sadly, this behavior out of liberals doesn’t surprise me in the least. Saddens me, pisses me off, by does not shock me.

Luckily, there are no Obama signs near me. Literally, none. Well, down the street there is one, but it is in the yard of a very old and sickly man. He gets a pass. Four years ago, you couldn’t go ten feet without seeing an Obama sign. This year- it’s all Romney and the other republican candidates running in our state. I have seen at least one Democrat running who has his signs all over the place, without one single Obama sign. Telling, huh?
I see very few Obama 2012 things here in the Raleigh area, and its a pretty deep blue area.
I feel there is a little remorse in the air.