An interesting poll from the AP, in which women are apparently not impressed with the negative small ball campaign of Obama’s, nor his believing that women only care about their #LadyParts
(WRAL) Less than two weeks out from Election Day, Republican Mitt Romney has erased President Barack Obama’s 16-point advantage among women, a new Associated Press-GfK poll shows. And the president, in turn, has largely eliminated Romney’s edge among men.
Those churning gender dynamics leave the presidential race still a virtual dead heat, with Romney favored by 47 percent of likely voters and Obama by 45 percent, a result within the poll’s margin of sampling error, the survey shows.
As the election nears, Romney has been playing down social issues and trying to project a more moderate stance on matters such as abortion in an effort to court female voters. The AP-GfK poll, taken Friday through Tuesday, shows Romney pulling even with Obama among women at 47-47 after lagging by 16 points a month earlier.
Of course, the AP story brings up the dumb remark by Richard Mourdock, which is being beaten to death by the same media which has soft peddled what happened in Libya, in which Obama did nothing to save the lives of Americans under assault. And, while women do favor Obama a bit when it comes to #LadyParts issues
A month ago, women favored Obama over Romney on the economy 56 percent to 40 percent. Now, the split has shifted to 49 percent for Romney and 45 percent for Obama.
Big, big shift. On the downside
A month ago, Romney’s advantage among men was 13 percentage points. Now, it’s down to 5 points, with most of the shift toward Obama coming among unmarried men.
Apparently, unmarried men welcome all the free contraception and abortifacients provided by Team Obama. But, overall, this poll is even worse for Obama then portrayed. When we deep dive into said poll, we find out the polling sample was
- 48% Democrat
- 37% Republican
- 5% True Independent who doesn’t lean either way
That comes from page 30 of the poll details. The previous page showed a break of 31/25/27 (D/R/I), but the deep dive changed that, so, with a sampling with 11% higher “going Dem”, Obama is losing badly.
We also learn that people think the country is headed in the wrong direction, 50 to 41%. That 60% think America’s economy is poor (to 24 who think it is good and 16 who are clueless). And only 23% think the economy got better last month, to 58% who think it stayed the same. And 69% say that their family’s financial situation got worse/stayed the same, with only 30% saying it got better.
Twelve days left till election day, and 13 till Obama is left sulking in misery, deciding how best to create a firestorm before he leaves office in January.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.