Warmists just can’t help themselves. They are continually searching for some rationale to show that their cult is dying due to something other than people realizing it’s a bunch of mule fritters. Here’s Climate Science Watch (via Tom Nelson)
PBS FRONTLINE’s “Climate of Doubt,†an investigation of the global warming disinformation campaign and its sources of support, aired on October 23 and featured a number of prominent faces that will be familiar to readers of Climate Science Watch. And there are some newer players, hiding the anonymous funders who stand behind the denialist political operatives and court jesters. Sen. John Kerry said on the program, “American politics is being completely defined by huge sums of money. … And it has now made many people in public life very gunshy because they are afraid of having those amounts of money spent against them.â€
I suppose I’d be considered one of those “court jesters”, but, so far, no one has been lining my pockets with that awesome anti-hotcoldwetdry cash.
In other words, in the war of misinformation, climate science — with its factual information and scientific review process – has stumbled into the crosshairs of these right-wing organizations. Using their trusty Winchester Model 70 bolt-action hunting rifle, these organizations started firing away at the science of climate change. If the public thinks the basic science is settled, then the logical next step is political and policy movement on the issue — something these organizations are struggling against.
If it was so factual, then there would be no problem blasting away, because we Climate Realists would never hit it. Supposedly, we are also well organized
What surprised me about the analysis was really the comprehensive nature of the climate countermovement. This is an extremely well-organized political movement that has a number of different components that are loosely coordinated but all act along the same lines. You have organizations that focus on development of ideas, such as think tanks, media outlets, advertising for public opinion, scholarly activities at universities.
If only we were. Then we’d be able to kill off this absurd notion of anthropogenic global warming, er, climate change, which is simply a mask for pushing Progressive (fascist) policies of Big Centralized Government.
All this sounds more like projection on the part of Warmists.

Ok. That article is stupid. I think silly face wrote it.
Really??? What the heck is that? What does it even mean? There is a movement that is focused on countering the existence of climate?
And that should tell you everything then about their defense of their position.
They basically make it up in the fever swamps of their minds.