Via Instapundit from The Examiner

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Awwww man!
I was going to use this one!!
It is funny and sadly, accurate.
[…] Crazy Barry’s Blowout Sale posted November 1, 2012 / No Comments via Pirate’s Cove […]
[…] Barry’s Blowout Sale November 2, 2012 Stix Leave a comment Go to comments via Pirate’s Cove Share this:TwitterFacebookDiggLinkedInRedditEmailStumbleUponPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to […]
Love it
And true.
But true.
A Travesty
but a sad truth.
Well at least you can keep from being hijacked… just let slip your soda or bottled water,.. and POOF. no more car.
Wonder how those new Tesla owners are feeling now after spending over $100,000 grand each for their new Teslas to now see them nothing but ash and slag?