They really cannot help themselves
(HuffPo) The devastation left the state a blank canvas to redevelop its prized vacation towns. But environmentalists and shoreline planners urged the state to think about how –and if –to redevelop the shoreline as it faces an even greater threat of extreme weather.
He and other shoreline advocates say the state should consider how to protect coastal areas from furious storms when they rebuild it, such as relocating homes and businesses farther from the shore, building more seawalls and keeping sand dunes high.
There’s lots of whining about sea rise…everytime I’m up in Jersey it looks the same as when I was growing up there. But what the environweenies really want is to implement controls on other people in regards to homes and businesses and how they can be rebuilt, putting their own enviroweenie stamp on the process.
Chris Christie has told them to go pound sand. On a related note, it might be a good idea to bury lots of the power and phone lines. Of course, the Shore is not much above sea level, and is always in danger from flooding with salt water.

Go on up there now and tell us how it looks the same as always
Well John, I bet you don’t look the same as you did 20 years ago.
Blame that on so called “global warming” as well.
Is it warmer under your bridge?
John just inadvertently made our point when it comes to AGW: things change.
Please tell me how exactly limiting housing and construction near the shoreline will stop another Sandy like storm from moving sand around?
“Furious storms”???? furious? as in angry? as in with vengeance? as in retaliation for a wrong doing? Who’s crazy now?
Just for grins and giggles Teach. As Roger Pelke Jr’s blog points out..
NY’s 2009 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan states that Topical Storm Floyd (1999) “flooded subway tunnels across the city causing service disruptions”.