Wasn’t just yesterday that Obama gave a speech in which he said that “Americans are coming together” during the Sandy cleanup during a stump speech? How’s that working out? (via American Perspective)
(WAFF) The hurricane-ravaged east coast has been receiving north Alabama help, but crews from Huntsville Utilities learned they’ll be doing work in Long Island, New York instead of in New Jersey.
Crews from Huntsville, as well as Decatur Utilities and Joe Wheeler out of Trinity headed up there this week, but Derrick Moore, one of the Decatur workers, said they were told by crews in New Jersey that they can’t do any work there since they’re not union employees.
The crews that are in Roanoke, Virginia say they are just watching and waiting even though they originally received a call asking for help from Seaside Heights, New Jersey.
One would think Seaside, which was hit terribly bad, would take any help they could get. Alas, no.
WAFF-TV: News, Weather and Sports for Huntsville, AL

Speechless. These goons are epitomizing everything that is wrong with unions.
Who turns away help from whatever source?
F’ them. Or better yet- ask the PEOPLE of NJ whether they want the help of non-union workers to repair their towns and homes.
I wonder, not being around there, is this getting any play in the news? Are people without electricity or water.. able to know this? Or, will they be told later that it was only the unions that got them their power up?
Whipped liberal people will always be whipped liberal people. They have been ok with not being prepared for what they knew was coming. THey have been ok with paying way too much for their energy.
And how many DID NOT prepare for this storm when they heard days before that it was coming? why are they all NOW standing in line for gas? And why is gas more important than water?
So, is the media starting to question the democrat mayor’s, democrat governors, and democrat president, about how come it is taking so long? Are they calling him racist for not helping out the white 1%ers?
The WAFF story does seem to imply that this was all a “misunderstanding” and the Alabama based crews are now working. Could it be the union was shamed into fixing the misunderstanding?