The man is a fool
(Fox News) “We should have one secretary of business, instead of nine different departments that are dealing with things like giving loans to (the Small Business Administration) or helping companies with exports,” Obama told MSNBC.
Romney criticized the idea Thursday during a rally in southwest Virginia.
“I know the president is trying to figure out some way to suggest he has new ideas,” said Romney, repeating as he often has on the trail that roughly 23 million Americans are out of work or underemployed. “He came up with the idea of creating a Department of Business. I don’t think adding a new chair in his cabinet will add more jobs on Main Street.”
Paul Ryan also got into the act
“You know, we already have a Secretary of Business — it’s actually called the Secretary of Commerce,” said Mr. Ryan as supporters erupted in laughter.
The Wisconsin congressman then asked if anyone in the crowd of nearly 1,000 at Island Grove Regional Park could name the current Secretary of Commerce. When nobody volunteered an answer, he responded, “You know why? We don’t have one!”
“It’s been vacant for over four months, and the president hasn’t even proposed to put somebody in the job,” said Mr. Ryan. “We don’t need another bureaucrat or another bureaucracy, we need another president.”
And Twitter users were brutal, as Twitchy points out.

Wait, so paying more people to sit in DC does not create good full-time jobs for regular folks?
(And by folks i mean normal americans not the violent terrorist type who assassinate americans. Just wanted to clear that up in case someone was confused)
After the nearly 30-50 new Soviet-era Czars that he has created, how can you say one more wouldn’t do what the others have done for him?
I recommend Romney appoint a Secretary of Moving Obama Back To Chicago
In that vein (of dreaming), I suggest Romney appoint Lee Iococca or Jack Welch as the Secretary of Limited Government. That person will be in charge of slimming the government spending and workforce down to something that is economically supportable.