This sounds more like something you’d hear from a candidate running against a long term third world dictator. Or from the guy (Henrique Capriles) who ran against Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, not from a sitting US president who acts more like Hugo Chavez (though I’m not sure Chavez spends as much time playing golf and partying with celebrities)
(Breitbart) As is often the case when he goes off-teleprompter, at a campaign stop in Ohio today, Obama revealed a side of himself we haven’t seen since Hurricane Sandy gave him the opportunity to play The American President for a few days. The old Divider-In-Chief returned with a vengeance when in the middle of an attack on Mitt Romney he told a crowd at a campaign rally to stop booing and, ” Vote! Voting’s the best revenge!”
Lest one (and I’m talking about Liberals) thinks that John Nolte at Breitbart is making it, there is video available at The Washington Post.
That’s the best he can do? “Voting is the best revenge� And against whom should voters seek “revenge†— other Americans? A candidate who has the support of about half the electorate? It is mind-boggling, really, that this sort of snide, negative motivation is what President Obama has saved up for his final appeal.
Actually, it’s not particularly mind-boggling, it is almost what one would expect from a sitting POTUS who has spent the majority of the time launching small ball attacks (Romnesia, Big Bird, binders, lies about Bain Capital) while refusing to lay out an agenda till after the final debate, an agenda that is much the same as his agenda for his first 4 years, which have brought on malaise and stagnation. And a president who is schooled in the devise teachings of Saul Alinsky who spent decades listening to “pastors” who preach grievance and divisiveness.
(The Jawa Report) It’s pretty sad when a Presidential candidate, rather than earn votes based on accomplishments and issues, has to appeal for vengeance against a political opponent. Or maybe in Obama’s narcissistic mind, he is in an unjust war fighting for his very existence.
Hey, remember when Obama was calling for a “new era of civility”? And “promise” with an expiration date. Well, Romney had offer some comments in return
(CBS News) “Did you see what President Obama said today? He asked his supporters to vote for revenge,” he said, pausing and then repeating the line for emphasis. “For revenge. Instead, I ask the American people to vote for love of country.”
Obama asks people to vote to turn the country into Greece. Or Venezuela.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Yes, he does. He does not believe he has to fight for the job he was destined for. This is his job. He will put the boot to any throat of anyone daring to question his RIGHT to be this land’s ruler.
As for Romney, he may be squishy, but right now, his love of country and compassion and business acumen are the RIGHT counter to Obama’s hatred and narcissism.
What GB said. Hoorah.
Was reading the USA Today newspaper today. (No choice, was only paper in McD’s) It as enlightening. Had some user comments in the political section for each candidate.
One: “I voted straight Democrat party and I feel exhilarated”
Two: “I have a job so I voted Obama.”
Three: “I am better off ow than 4 years ago so I am voting for Obama”
Four: “This country can’t live with more debt, I’m voting for Romney”
Five: “our economy will not survive with even more crushing taxes and the decimation of our health care. Romney is the only choice”
In other words, vote obaama for what yo can get out of it. Vote Romney for what the country can get out of it.
Remember this famous Democrat (JFK) speech:
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own.
I don’t think they teach this one anymore.