Because this has never happened before, and, how dare the climate ever change! It’s supposed to be exactly the same every year
(Wildlife News) Politics aside, there are many reasons to believe the likelihood of wrong way, late season hurricanes like Sandy has changed (increased), and it is irreversible. In other words, it is too late to stop. The reason is this — the Arctic Ocean now melts almost completely in the summer and that greatly changes the jet stream. Many other changes have happened in addition to this hurricane.
You can believe whatever you want. But, can you prove it scientifically? Because right now you resemble Madame Zelda rather than Einstein.
The high Arctic is much warmer on land and at sea than it used to be just a generation ago. Now, the Arctic Ocean will not refreeze except for a meaningless couple feet in late winter. Its deep blue waters will soak up more of the sun’s heat and make the Arctic warmer still. Melting permafrost is releasing billions of tons of carbon dioxide and methane gas.
Strange how the Antarctic is never mention, because it has been above normal for damned near a year. Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that cold is covered by the Warmists
People think climate change means warmer temperatures. It is not so simple. Yes, the average temperature will probably rise, but more importantly the variations of the temperature around the mean temperature have grown in size.
A freaking religion, not a scientific endeavor.

This comes from someone who thought that Sandy was over hyped and not really s hurricane
I love the disguarded “science” when it is convenient. If you go back and read the IPCC annual reports you will see that they put very specific emphasis on the relationship between the Arctic and the Antarctic. They refer to detailed articles in their “hypothesis” that states unequivocally that the two poles are connected and the climate change projections over the 21st century reveal that the annual mean sea ice extent decreases at similar rates in both hemispheres.
Now, this guy disguards decades of that view in the name of expedience and necessity to make his false point. Consider this…the Antarctic hold more than 90% of the planet’s ice. The Arctic holds well less than 10% at its very coldest. Which would common sense suggest is more relevant in a study of climate change?
If we wait until we’re absolutely sure that climate change is occurring, it will be too late to do anything about it. What if it isn’t a hoax? What if, by pouring CO2 into the atmosphere, we are creating a world that won’t sustain human civilization as we know it? Is it really such a bad idea to make some changes now, just in case climate change is real, because even though we’ll be dead, do we want our children and grand-children to have to live through these horrors? And say it is a hoax, and we have developed our alternative energy resources sooner than necessary (because eventually, we will run out of fossil fuels), does that really hurt us? The election tomorrow may be our best chance to reverse the damaging effects of climate change. Vote for the future of our planet.
If we wait until we’re absolutely sure that climate change is occurring, it will be too late to do anything about it.
Well Maggie, your statement shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the issue.
We all know climate change is real. We are sure it is happening. The earth itself is not a static system as people like yourself want to believe. From the beginning of time, the earth has changed. It has gotten hotter than it is now. It has gotten cooler than it is now. Somehow it managed to change without man even being around.
The question is not whether the earth is changing, but what is causing that change? Specifically, is man affecting the climate?
The answer seems to be “no.”
This means not only is your premise false, but your conclusion is false as well.
Now if you want to throw trillions and trillions of dollars down the rabbit hole on what is not “climate changing programs,” but rather wealth redistribution, you go right ahead. You take your money out of your pocket and give it away.
But don’t ask the rest of us to buy into your lack of knowledge, understanding and overall ignorance.
We will be spending our money on projects that actually will affect future generations, including spending on our own kids.
Don’t try and push your ignorance on the rest of us.
It was not a hurricane when it made landfall, John. It was a tropic storm, per the hard ground observations.
Well, you know that in Warmist World, Orson, that would be whichever is convenient for the Warmists.
Yet, even though CO2 output is still high, the global temp is the same as it was 16 years ago. And, despite all the pledges and promises from those countries that signed Kyoto, almost every single one failed to reduce their CO2, even though they harmed their economies.
What horrors? Weather is always occurring. The climate changes. It’s easier to live in a warm time then a cool period. But, if you Warmists think CO2 is so bad, why not live the carbon neutral lifestyle, show the rest of us you believe what you say?
That said, I’ve written time and time again that we should look toward alternatives, but do so in a way that makes sense, rather than slapping up solar and wind without regard to whether it will work, and primarily to pay back campaign contributors.
As Guitar Carver points out, man made climate change is pretty much a myth. Just the basic fact that it is now referred to as “climate change” shows that it is a political issue in which every occurrence can be blamed on mankind. The proper term would be “anthropogenic global warming.” And, the warming since around 1850 is primarily natural, a tiny bit AGW, and about 10-15 land use/urban heat island effect.
That’s hilarious.
Your words are like an elephant in my ear. It makes no sense.
Your words are like an ice cube demanding fire to keep it alive. It makes no sense. There is no reality in your world. Even this year, lowest on SATELLITE record, there is ice. Not too long ago, there really was periods with no ice.
Your stupidity is as dull as the black hole that is your head. It is the jet stream that impacts and influences the ice packs in the Artic. Not the other way around you dolt.
Stick to wildlife news.
Dude, your planet is calling. Time to fly back home. THey are missing their national idiot.
If that is really a concern, then we need to pave over the CO2-emitting oceans, the CO2-emitting forests, and the CO2-emitting marshes and swamps.
Science by concensus.
I posted a response on the Wildlife News site relative to this article pointing out that they were in direct contradiction with the IPCC report on climate change over at least the last decade.
Their response was to delete my comment and block me from posting on the site. This is why no one takes thems seriously (or at least one of the reasons).