…is a wonderful city which everyone should be forced to move to, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Gateway Pundit, with a post on Obama’s plan for the Marines.

…is a wonderful city which everyone should be forced to move to, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Gateway Pundit, with a post on Obama’s plan for the Marines.
Speaking of useless tramp-stamps. I was standing in line behind a woman in my local grocery store. I happened to look at her neck as her hair was tied up in to a loose pony-tail. She had a tattoo on the back of her neck. It was in script and read “Confidence”.
I think after that I had lost all “confidence” in assuming her intelligence.
Can’t stand the tatts. Why a woman wants to ruin a good thing with them is beyond me.
I had a girl get mad because I was trying to read the tattoo on her lower back. I explained of she didn’t want people looking at it trying to read it she shouldn’t have gotten it.
Isn’t that the reason people get them? To be showy.. to show off… to attract a certain person type?
I also have to wonder about the brain-activity level of those who put tats where light never shines.
I’ve always felt its because people don’t like who they are. They think a tat will make them more “likable”.
Who the hell cares what the vapid spoiled heiress Peaches Geldoff thinks is important enought to permanently ink on her skin? Daughter of Sir Bob Geldof.
I am totally turned off by tatoos as well. They often look like dirt from a distance. However… I have seen some touching ones lately that are memorials to the fallen. A friend of mine has tatoo portraits of her father and brother and son-in-law KIAs on her back. Those are some dead-serious tatoos that’ll make you swallow hard when a lady removers her top.