They really cannot help themselves (via Tom Nelson)
Here’s the Seattle 350 Xmas songbook (bonus: special edition of the dreydl song!)…
— Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) December 16, 2012
The Seattle 350 group supposedly performed their “green” Christmas carols on the 8th at the Green Lake Community Center. Here’s a snippet of some of their fun insanity
350 ppm (Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
music Johnny Marks c. 1948; words C. Tuttle 2009
Three-fifty parts per million,
carbon in the atmosphere.
We’re closer to three-ninety,
risking all that we hold dear.
Famines and climate chaos,
droughts & melting Arctic too.
Risking life on our planet,
Oh my dear what shall we do?
Coal Train Passes Me
(Come they tell me/little drummer boy)
Coal train passes me pa rum pum pum pum
A hundred cars I see pa rum pum pum pum
Each car five hundred pounds pa rum pum pum pum
Of dust it spews around pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum
Green Jobs (Greensleeves)
music English 16th c.; words C. Tuttle c. 2009
Alas, my love, I lost my job,
No cash, no power, no food to eat.
Our home foreclosed, the malls are dark,
What shall we do now for our living?
(Chorus) Green Jobs can feed us all,
Green Jobs give new energy,
Green Jobs transform the world,
To one where our lives all have meaning.
The 12 Days of Winter
music French 18th c; words K.Stocker c. 2008
In the dark Seattle winter, my planet said to me
1. And please use only what you need!
2. Reduce, reuse, recycle.
3. Buy local food.
4. Give your time and skills.
5. Remember I’m your home.
6. Say no to plastic.
7. Get to know your neighbors.
8. Wrap your gifts in fabric.
9. Plant edible gardens.
10. Tell your kids the truth.
11. Turn off your lights.
12. Bus, bike, or carpool.
Weird, there was nothing about giving up a fossil fueled lifestyle, unplugging all appliances not in use, taking 2 minute showers, handwashing clothes, and turning off your ice maker. Oh, and giving up all those energy using smartphones, tablets, and computers.
I’ll Stay Home for Christmas
music Walter Kent c. 1943; words C. Tuttle c. 2009
I’ll stay home for Christmas.
You can count on me.
We won’t fly, we’ll stay nearby,
we’ll build community.
Hey, good advice for all Warmists! Stay home. No fossil fueled flights! Make sure to replace all the lights with CFLs.
I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas
music Irving Berlin c. 1941; words C. Tuttle c. 2008
I’m dreaming of a green Christmas,
We’ll learn again to grow our food.
We’ll build local turbines & share our
grapevines, And find meaning in our jobs.
It’s almost like they want people to live the 1499 lifestyle.
There are also several songs showing love for the Occupy movement. No mention of rape, murder, drugs, pooping on police cars and people’s doorsteps, though.
We Wish You a Living Planet
music English c. 16th c.; words K.Stocker & C.Tuttle 2010
We wish you a living ocean
We wish you a living forest.
We wish you a living river
We hold them so dear.
Turn plastic away / Plant trees every day /
We wish you a living planet / We all hold it dear!
OK, there you go, Warmists, marching orders. Give up all plastic usage and plant a tree every day.

climate truthers are disappearing like the arctic ice. Teach these “warmists” are just about everyone.
If that was the case, John, you’d think some of them might actually practice what they preach. They don’t.
just like trolls.
climate trolls.
truth trolls.