This begs the question: “which Warmists were actually Doing Something in the first place?” (Fish Wrap) Americans may be buying more compact fluorescent light bulbs these days, but they are less likely to set their thermostats low during the winter than they were four years ago and have less confidence that their actions will help […]
Recent Comments
- fp on If All You See…: “After running and crying to western media about his disastrous meeting, of course.” Mar 2, 22:03
- fp on If All You See…: “ED: “Zelensky flew back to Ukraine to fight Russians.” Wishful thinking. After completely bollixing up his meeting with the President…” Mar 2, 21:55
- fp on If All You See…: “ED, your conspiracy theories are most amusing. Crackpot, but amusing.” Mar 2, 21:46
- Jl on If All You See…: “Saw a poll that was taken-“Who performed better in the Oval Office” Volodymyr Zelensky 14% Monica Lewinsky 86%” Mar 2, 20:19
- Jl on Climate (scam) Groups Worried About Bankruptcy After Trump Admin Cuts Cash Flow: ““Leave the people stealing our money alone!” Mar 2, 18:31