This comes via Mother Nature News’ Starre Vartan, “eco-fashionista and world traveler blogs on sustainable style and living”…..wait, fossil fueled travel?
As you invariably quaff at least one glass of wine or bubbly this holiday season (and try to keep from disagreeing with old friends or family members about the causes of climate change), you might not realize there’s a real connection between the two. According to a November 2011 article in the New York Times by Paige Donner, wine yields, flavor and even the types of grapes grown will be affected by the coming-soon changes in climate (some in positive ways, others negative, depending on the type of grape). It’s such a complex and interesting topic that she decided to make a film about it. I was curious about this aspect of climate change and how Donner got involved with the issue, so I asked her about the film and the topic in an interview below.MNN: What led you to explore the connection between wine and climate change?ÂPaige Donner: Well, first let me say, I love wine. And as a California native, I absolutely love learning about wine and the wine regions of the world.So, when I returned to France….
….to make a movie about how evil “climate change” is, because it’s never happened in the history of the earth, and fossil fueled travel causes it….oh, wait, Paige had to have used fossil fueled travel. This is just more of the old “spreading awareness” meme, where Warmists never actually do anything within their own lives. Oh, and suckering Warmists into lining the pockets of other Warmists with sweet, sweet green stuff, money. Perhaps that’s why they call it “going green”.

Of course the climate has changed before but now there are 7.billion humans.who will be affected by any changes
Yes, because it is a sad state of humanity that we are unprepared for any type of change and we have evolved the inability to adapt.