I can tell, you’re shocked. And I’m sure that you’ve noticed that pretty much every idea to solve “climate change” revolves around bigger, more intrusive, and more domineering government. Here’s Warmist David Roberts at Grist
Climate-proofing cities: Not something conservatives are going to be good at
The notion of preparing cities for climate disruption is somewhat novel, though of course cities have always been built to adapt to natural conditions. What’s new is that almost all cities must now plan for changes in the natural conditions they take for granted — changes likely to be substantial but which, in their specifics, are maddeningly difficult to predict with precision or confidence. (snip)
As I was reading the piece — which is excellent, well worth tracking down — it struck me that the signal features of good climate-proofing have something in common: Conservatives are going to hate them.
1. Climate-proofing costs a lot of (government) money. (WT-shocker!)
2. It requires a lot of (government) planning. (more fascism)
3. It requires both physical and social density. (essentially, this would revolve around forcing people into big cities)
4. It requires decentralized systems. (government being able to change things without the input of pesky citizens)
5. It requires openness and adaptability. (changing things up regardless of whether it breaks existing laws, moors, and that pesky Constitution)
Dave goes on to give his own reasons for why Conservatives would hate these ideas, but misses that American Conservatives are actually Classical Liberals, and aren’t big on authority and government. On numbers 3 and 4 he writes
3. Conservatives are individualists, not communitarians
4. The conservative mind is, perhaps above all else, drawn to hierarchy and authority.
Number 3 is correct. Number 4 then contradicts. Number 4 would be about Classical Conservatives and, interestingly, Classical Socialists. Classical Conservatism is also referred to as Daddy Government in terms of involvement in people’s lives. American Conservatives are against that.
Finally, what’s missing is the notion of Warmists actually changing their own lives voluntarily to match their belief set.
It is funny. it is typically the American Conservatives who want cities to adapt. it is the socialists and green commies who have refused. All their answers have been is to decrease the economy and kill off a bit more of the population.
And give money to someone else.