What happens when you take a “car” that costs $89,000 to make and is sold for $49,000 and shove it at dealers? (via Doug Ross, who has a handy dandy picture of what a Volt arriving at a dealership looks like) (Auto Guide) Thanks to additional costs for services and repairs, some Chevy dealers are […]
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- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “No w9nder Galera Therapeutics went under” Jan 9, 01:55
- Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Why does Fat Donnie only talk nonsense to his loyalists? Because Fat Donnie has nothing but his bloviation.” Jan 9, 00:56
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- drowningpuppies on Surprise: First World Turning Against Progressive Agenda: “Rimjob, he’s certainly driving you insane and that’s a good thing. Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser! MAGA47 Motherfucker” Jan 9, 00:24
- drowningpuppies on Surprise: First World Turning Against Progressive Agenda: “So Rimjob instead of asking stupid questions why don’t you do a little more research m’kay? Or is that too…” Jan 9, 00:18