Monthly Archives: January 2013

Woman Arrested For Refusing To Allow A Smart Meter To Be Installed

You know, like in her own home. Her domicile. Her property (The Blaze) Jennifer Stahl has been a strong advocate against the smart meter program in Naperville, Ill., for the last two years. The issue came to a head Wednesday afternoon when she was arrested while refusing to let the utility workers install the controversial […]

If All You See…

…if all you see is snow that only occurs when it’s hot outside, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Victory Girl’s Blog, with a post on how Hillary disgraced the nation.

Surprise: Obama Supporting Warmists Want Someone Else To Pay For Fixing Hotcoldwetdry

These Warmists really, really, really want something done about hotcoldwetdry. But, having their own money pay for it? Not so much. Which fits right in with the narrative I’ve been expounding on here at Pirate’s Cove for years, namely, Warmists always want Someone Else to pay (via The Lonely Conservative)

Feinstein’s “Gun Control” Law Goes For Broke, Treats Gun Owners As Criminals

It is more than likely going nowhere. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, himself a supporter of 2nd Amendment rights (hey, one good mark for him), may not even bring it up for a vote, instead allowing it to languish in committee. And, if he does bring it up, he may not have the votes. And, […]

Lou Holtz: The Country Is Done

Nice to see that someone gets it (Daily Caller) During an address to the Ripon Society on Tuesday, Boehner revealed that Holtz consulted him via text messages on Monday night following Obama’s inauguration. “Last night, I got a three-page text from my good friend Lou Holtz, who must have watched the inaugural and then all […]

“Bronco Bama, Please Save Us From Hotcoldwetdry!”

Today’s example of an unhinged ObamaZombie, here’s’s Michael Yudell Mr. President, use your bully pulpit on climate change! “We will respond to the threat of climate change knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations,” an emboldened President Obama declared in his inaugural address Monday. Following the disconcerting […]

If All You See…

…is an awesome train track, which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Maggie’s Notebook, who wonders if the bar will be lowered to allow women to participate in combat roles.

Schoolkids Won’t Know What Newspapers Look Like

Won’t someone please think of the children? Because of the heavy lake-effect snowfall this morning, combined with blowing and drifting, some Times Herald carriers are being delayed on their ro Most expect to reach all their customers this morning. But papers could be delayed by two or three hours later than usual. It’s so terrible!

Turkish Muslim Group Accuses Lego Of Raaaaacism

It’s been awhile, but they finally found something to be outraged about. What is it? This (Telegraph) Austria’s Turkish community said the model was based on Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul and that the accompanying figures depicted Asians and Orientals as people with “deceitful and criminal personalities.” The Turkish Cultural Community of Austria released a […]

Feinstein To Introduce Evil Looking Gun Bill Today

Which will go nowhere, but, will give the anti-gunnites a chance to bloviate (USA Today) California Democrat Dianne Feinstein will begin her fourth full term as a U.S. senator much as she started her Senate career: fighting for a ban on assault weapons. Feinstein’s new bill, which will be introduced Thursday in the Senate, among […]

Pirate's Cove