More hypocritical action from the greenie weenies (via Tom Nelson)
(Discovery) Fighting climate change may seem like a Hail Mary pass, but the New Orleans Super Bowl Host Committee is running a play, called Geaux Green, to tackle the emissions from the big game between the San Francisco 49′ers and the Baltimore Ravens. The Committee also developed a game plan for fans to block their own emissions from blitzing the planet’s atmosphere.
…The Geaux Green (pronounced “go green”) website features a game in which fans can vote for which NFL team has the most environmentally friendly fans. Participants are encouraged to pledge to run eco-friendly plays, such as using fluorescent bulbs, carpooling or planting a tree.
Currently, football fans have pledged to save approximately 22,500,000 pounds of carbon dioxide. New Orleans fans are proving to be saints by pledging the most so far. Denver Broncos supporters are in second for their efforts to buck global warming. Third place Packers fans are proving it isn’t just their jerseys that are green.
How’d that work out?
(Center For Hotcoldwetdry Solutions) NFL fan Mark Karolkiewicz’s decision to play the Geaux Green game and commit to save energy around the house got him more than a lower power bill. He also won a free trip for two to Super Bowl XLVII in New Orleans.
I really hope Mark and his son plan on either walking or biking all the way from New Hampshire instead of taking a fossil fueled trip. Doubtful.
BTW, the first link includes a handy dandy picture labeled “2009 Baltimore Ravens”, which is actually of the Vikings playing the Egirls.

Here it comes, folks.
The European Corporation that owns Budweiser wants to raise their prices on beer to finance their merger with another corporation.
But for strictly self-reasons reasons at the behest of that chronic screw-up and sleaze, Eric Holder, the Justice Department has interfered with that merger and prevented it on the pretense that he/they wants to keep down the prices of beer for Obama’s down-trodden supporters, never mind that it is none of the Justice Department’s damned business and they’re interfering with commerce, and this stinks of Labor Union involvment,just as that GM mess did, also. Those Communists are already way out of control, for which Obama gets an approval rating of 60%. Any sane person o even marginally moral person would be incredulous and enraged.
self-reasonsself-servingoor <[…] William Teach noted that, as a reward for playing the Geaux Green game and committing to saving energy around the house, Mark Karolkiewicz of New Hampshire won a fossil-fuel-burning trip from New Hampshire to New Orleans for the Super Bowl. […]
Jesus Brian who cares what Budweiser does, don’t tell me you would drink that crap.
Again, you speak for yourself, nobody else, and again, as usual, you missed the point completely.
Now run along, junior. This is a blog for adults.
Apparently john, Eric Holder and the Department of Justice care what Budweiser does.
Are you saying they should not care and should stay out of trying to manipulate markets and control companies?