…is a wonderful non-fossil fueled bike, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, who continues his great coverage of Hookergate.

…is a wonderful non-fossil fueled bike, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, who continues his great coverage of Hookergate.
she must exercise a bit.
It warms my heart that she brought her little friend along for the ride. My first impression is the she’s kinda skinny. Then I did my due diligence and saw her from the front and saw her beautiful smile. She’s beautiful.
My carbon budget was kind of a mixed bag yesterday. I adjusted the mixture on the Holley 850 cfm 4-barrel car on my 468 and then went hooning around the neighborhood. In 3rd gear at 5000 rpm it felt I warped the space-time continuum. Well, it got kinda blurry. I could watch the fuel guage needle move down and imagined the sea-level rose by an equal amount. At least I think that’s how it works to keep the planet in equilibrium or fairness or something. Then I rode my bike 35 miles and visited a friend, petted her puppies, and met her six chickens. I imagined the sea-level went back down again, because I read that some of the global warming scientists said to ride a bike instead of drive and I was doing a kind and loving activity for karma. When I got home I was starving and drank beer and ate chicken. Where does that leave my carbon budget? Did I save the planet by consuming all that CO2? This is all so complicated.
Here are dozens more pictures of Ally and her little bear on her VSP bike. I enjoyed doing the research on this picture and was excited to find this website that has the motherlode of girls on bikes:
What bike?