Perhaps instead of going after legal gun owners, Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and Crook,er, Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle should concern themselves with the actual crime on their streets
(Chicago Tribune) Cook County and Chicago are adopting a tag-team approach on gun ownership. Our goal is to increase coordination between the city and the county, step up enforcement and reduce the flow of guns on our streets.
We plan to create a one-stop repository for all reports of lost, stolen, transferred or destroyed firearms, an important step in tracking guns used in crimes. It’s also an attempt to have a countywide gun strategy that is uniform, rather than a strategy where we each operate in isolation.
Hooray, we’re saved! This is the answer to stopping the lawlessness on Chicago’s streets!
An oft-cited University of Chicago Crime Lab study found that 29 percent of guns recovered in Chicago crimes were purchased legally in Cook County.
So, what about the other 71%? Rahm? Hello?
Nothing about what we are proposing is onerous for responsible gun owners. And we’re under no false illusion that this will stop the carnage on our streets. But the new approaches will help law enforcement go after people who repeatedly claim that their guns, after being recovered at a crime scene, had been lost or stolen. Their excuses will now have repercussions.
Oh, so we’re not saved? This plan to fine legal gun owners who see their guns (notice that nowhere within their little op-ed do they refer to “handguns”, “pistols”, or any specific type of gun. They mean all guns) stolen, lost, or sell or transfer them if it isn’t reported within 48 hours will not “stop the carnage on our streets.” So, exactly what is the purpose if it won’t stop the carnage? They say it will give The Government more information when it comes to the tiny amount of gun transfers and sales that occur without a background check, which is really tiny. But, this still won’t “stop the carnage on our streets.”
Perhaps Rahm and Preckwinkle might consider going after criminals.

Duns should have liability insurance coverage like cars.
So you’re saying that Obama should be forced to purchase liability insurance to cover all the people with guns that surround him? I like that idea!
Of course, there is no provision in the Constition to force anyone to purchase insurance for a “right” but that doesn’t matter to people like john.
Tell ya what john, the moment you purchase liability insurance for your words and speech, then come back to us.
Good article. The gun-grabbing continues.
There is NOTHING that I’ve read about in any suggestions, demands, or legislation from the LEFT that will REDUCE gun-related crimes. It’s a pipe dream that has only ONE goal: making it easier for the government to take guns if/when it comes to that.
I am SO tired of the federal government trying to treat us as though we are criminals FIRST and we have to prove we’re not. This is exactly what the IRS does as well.
BEFORE Mr. Obama was even a senator, he gave speeches stating that he did not personally believe anyone should be allowed to own guns. Now he wants us to believe that he “respects” the 2nd Amendment. It’s a smokescreen to get us to let our defenses down so they can chop up and eventually eliminate the 2nd Amendment.
Thinking Americans are not going to fall for that crap…
Someone please explain to me how tracking a gun that is stolen (??) is going to solve a crime with a gun that no one knows who has it now? So, we will know that the previous owners… didn’t do it then?????
Explain to me how knowing that a gun has been destroyed will solve a crime where a gun was involved? Is this like ghost guns?
And that ignores the other 100% of the guns that came IN to Cook County from legal and illegal means.
The whole idea of asking permission from the government is completely onerous to gun purchasing and ownership.
Here’s the best idea I’ve ever had. Here’s my idea to solve gun crimes and to limit the trafficking of illicit guns.
– We must place a tax on guns sales
– We must have gov’t authorized dispensaries of guns