Quirky study finds healthy eating has higher greenhouse impact than eating processed junk etc: ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/… via @ggruere
— Andy Revkin (@Revkin) February 11, 2013
Of course, we are talking about French cuisine, so, take this with a grain of salt…unless you are in New York City, then Mayor Bloomberg might come for you with fully automatic assault rifles
Background: Healthy diets are supposed to be more environmentally friendly because they rely mainly on plant-based foods, which have lower greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs) per unit weight than do animal-based foods. (big snip)
Conclusion: Despite containing large amounts of plant-based foods, self-selected diets of the highest nutritional quality are currently not those with the lowest diet-related GHGEs.
But, still, eating healthy is still not a bad idea.

That’s why I eat popcorn made from subsidized fuel corn. Takes extra fake butter and salt.. but,,, it’s cheap.
I love these M&M cookies they make at Lowe’s Foods.
Are you talking the Extra Sawdust variety or the ones made from leftover dried paint chips?