It was a HUUUUUUGE demonstration (via Tom Nelson)
(HuffPo) Hurricane Sandy survivors and environmental advocates met in front of the White House on Monday to demand action from President Barack Obama on climate change ahead of his State of the Union address.
“We’re here to deliver over 280,000 signatures to President Obama asking for climate action now,” said Brad Johnson, campaign manager for the environmental group Forecast the Facts, which, along with, CREDO and Moms Clean Air Force, helped gather signatures and put together the demonstration. Approximately 15 people showed up on the gloomy, wet Monday.
That’s the best they can do with all these far left agitation groups involved? 15 people? How did they get to D.C.? Fossil fueled travel?
Protesters on Monday held signs suggesting that any similarity between Obama and Abraham Lincoln will rest on “Obama’s climate legacy.”
Let’s see: Lincoln started an unpopular war because he believed heavily in preserving the Union and freeing the slaves. Obama believes in…..Obama. And if he pushes hotcoldwetdry legislation and executive orders, he still couldn’t hold a candle to Lincoln. These climastrologers are nuts.

uhhh my reading of history is that Lincoln did not start the war.
Teach the Pope was heavy green and I guess would fall into your “warmist” category. Do you hate him too?
Don’t hate so much !! Stop it !!
There are always ways to read history john, but given your history on this board of misrepresenting things, your understanding of history is suspect.
By the way, john, the Pope is surrounded by security guards that are armed. Are you against them being armed?
Don’t hate the Pope so much and call for his death, john! Let the people defend the Pope!
Don’t hate so much!
Stop it!
Now do you have anything of value to add to the topic of this post? Or are you just trying to deflect again?
Lincoln could have walks the Union away, John, and let the Confederacy walk away.
So, if he were to fix the WORLD climate like Lincoln did, then and only then can we compare Obama to Lincoln?
HOLY $*#U(@#*#!!!
Unfortunately, Obama does seem bent on doing just that. But then, it’s never about fixing anything, but adding more control and increasing depressive regulations upon free markets, businesses and energy producers.