It’s been awhile since we visited with Grist’s resident GINK (green inclinations, no kids), and she’s really, really, really excited about the new notion of sharing one’s children
And now the latest addition to the list of shareable items: kids. Yes, people are using websites and Facebook pages to find like-minded people with whom to share children. From The New York Times:
[A] new breed of online daters [is] looking not for love but rather a partner with whom to build a decidedly non-nuclear family. And several social networks, including,,, and, as well as Modamily, have sprung up over the past few years to help them.
And why are they looking for this “child sharing”? Did you say “love”? Silly you. No, it’s due to all those inconvenient pressures of being a single parent, often by choice, things like those darn kids getting in the way of having fun, using up the money that might have otherwise gone towards having fun, and realizing that perhaps they got in over their heads. Which interferes with having fun.
Having a kid is by far the most carbon-intensive activity a normal person is ever likely to engage in. Think of the climate benefits if more broody singletons shared those munchkins instead of each having their own. And why just singles? Couples could get in on the fun too. And parents who already have kids and want to
dump them at someone else’s house for a few daysgenerously share them with other nurturing adults.
I’d be great if all Warmists would take themselves out of the gene pool.

Our civilization is seriously FUC*ED!
some people are even going child free !
I apologize for this comment even before you read it.
some people are even going child free !
Too bad your parents weren’t a part of that group, john.
(If this is over the top, Teach, please feel free to delete this with no hard feelings on my part. It is a little ….. ummmmm…. “aggressive.”)