They’re really, really upset about the potential use of Canadian tar sands by fellow Americans
(Politico) Tens of thousands of people converged on the National Mall on Sunday to urge President Barack Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline, a project they say will cause irreparable damage to the climate.
The rally, which was organized by the Sierra Club, and the Hip Hop Caucus, was billed as the largest climate rally in American history. Organizers estimated that about 35,000 people participated in the rally. The U.S. Park Police does not give crowd estimates.
Even if they actually got 35k to show up, that’s still a paltry amount in a country with over 313 million people. And they all looked really, really cold. Industrial Progress estimates about 5K, but, looking at the photos, I’d have to say at least 10K, at least before people got tired of the cold and wind biting their skin.
“All I ever wanted to see was a movement of people to stop climate change and now I’ve seen it,†Bill McKibben, founder of, said to the crowd of protesters, who traveled to Washington from dozens of states. “I cannot promise you we’re going to win, but I’ve waited a quarter century to find out if we were gonna fight. And today, at the biggest climate rally by far, by far, by far, in U.S. history — today, I know we’re going to fight.â€
Hmm, how did they get to D.C.? How did McKibben, who lives in Vermont, get to D.C.? Fossil fueled travel?
Temperatures dropped to the low 30s Sunday afternoon as participants danced and cheered and waved signs protesting the Keystone XL pipeline, which will carry oil from Alberta’s oil sands down through Cushing, Okla., and on to refineries along the Gulf Coast.
So, typical hippy BS from far left agitators who are also massive climahypocrites in the frickin’ cold.
Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who helped launch the Safe Climate Caucus — a group of legislators who plan to speak on the floor routinely about climate change — said that events like the one Sunday are necessary to move the conversation forward on climate change, loosen the effect of industry lobbying dollars and get a strong regulatory agenda out of the executive branch.
Did Sheldon walk or bike to D.C.? Perhaps he took a sailboat? Has anyone else perchance noted that Warmists tend to have pretty big “carbon footprints”?
Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., president of the Hip Hop Caucus, said he put the climate change rally on the same level as the civil rights marches held by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and others in the 1960s, and that the event wasn’t so much a protest as it was to support Obama.
Well, that’s just bat-guano insane. This isn’t even close to the civil rights era (which most Democrats opposed). And then he pointed out what we thought: these are all Obama zombies, which was evident by so many of the signs.
Unsurprisingly, there were lots of capitalism haters at the rally. Who were able to travel to the rally thanks to….capitalism, Big Air, Big Auto, and Big Oil.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Hah. Awesome headline.
[…] wasn’t even in DC but maybe he heard about it on the news. No doubt many of those protesters burned up a lot of carbon to get to DC, but I’m sure they don’t want to talk about that. I just wonder why they always plan […]
Soooooo what was the temp there during the rally? I know the low for the day in DC was 26F hardly unusual for February in DC
Exactly John. Hardly any unusual temps. Meaning, normality.
.. to stop climate change?? And they call us “denialists”. At least we live in reality.
I thought it was illegal for religious people to politic? Well, at least for conservative religious leaders, I guess.
Really? So slavery and human brutality is on par with natural variations of climate shifts?
Yeah, the signs. Funny those. ALmost like they were called out and organized by the administration to help focus the media attention and maybe affect the push against sequestration and …. a topic of the last STate of the Union speech?
BTW, how much resources were used and carbon pumped out to create those tens of thousands of signs and pieces of apparel?
[…] wasn’t even in DC but maybe he heard about it on the news. No doubt many of those protesters burned up a lot of carbon to get to DC, but I’m sure they don’t want to talk about that. I just wonder why they always plan […]
Actually, John, that was well below average.