One of the big problems with the GOP over the past 10 years, and especially since Obama assumed his throne, is that they have attempted to be the Adult In The Room. The responsible party. The ones who speak in a quiet manner, which refuses to get down in the mud with Obama and the Democrats. They rarely respond to the nastiness in kind, forgetting that politics is a nasty business. But, here’s Rand Paul taking a shot, which will hopefully lead other Republicans to take shots
(Politico) Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is charging that President Barack Obama is full of “histrionics†about what will happen if the sequester kicks in.
“I think the sequester happens and it will be in some ways a yawn because the histrionics that are coming from the president saying, ‘Oh, we’re going to shut down and get rid of meat inspectors’ — I mean, is anybody not going to stand up and call his bluff on that ridiculousness?†Paul said on CNN on Tuesday night.
He also makes sure to point out that the Sequester was Obama’s idea, Obama signed it into law, and that it is a pittance, not actually being true cuts but a minor slowdown in the rate of growth over 10 years. Paul did not vote for it.
Over at the Wall Street Journal, Speaker of the House John Boehner (supposedly an R) explains how we got to the Sequester, which was primarily due to Obama scuttling two different budget plans at the last minute through typical Obama demands and histrionics.
So, as the president’s outrage about the sequester grows in coming days, Republicans have a simple response: Mr. President, we agree that your sequester is bad policy. What spending are you willing to cut to replace it?
He’s not willing to cut any. Surprisingly, as a Democrat, Obama isn’t even willing to cut the military budget (that surely creates a few conspiracy theories, eh?). He’s also not willing to put forth a plan that could pass Congress. His allies in the Senate have refused to vote on those plans. All he wants is more money to spend.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

The more I learn of Rand Paul, the more I like. He’s not as cooky as his dad, and he’s not a whipped R like most of the other R’s in Congress. He fully understands the role of the Limited Republic form of government that is based upon our original Constitution.