Via Tom Nelson, who notes that our new Climate Astrologer Sec. Of State John Kerry (who has many homes and fossil fueled vehicles) says “not going to happen”
(Santa Fe New Mexican) Future generations face sea-level rises of 18 to 27 feet, extinction of 30 percent to 50 percent of animal species and other catastrophes if carbon-based fuels continue to be used at the same rate as today, a climate scientist told a group at the Santa Fe Institute on Thursday.
James Hansen, physicist, astronomer and adjunct professor at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, said average temperatures have risen eight-tenths of a degree centigrade over the last century, and efforts to stem climate change will be ineffectual as long as fossil fuels remain the cheapest form of energy.
No scare mongering there. Hansen goes on to whine about fossil fuels and….hey, wait, how did Hansen get to Santa Fe?
Hansen proposed a new tax for carbon emissions from oil, gas and coal, collected at the wellhead, mine or port of entry, increasing $10 per ton annually for 30 years, with proceeds distributed directly to the public, which in a decade would mean $2,000 to $3,000 per resident, or $6,000 to $9,000 per family.
Not mentioned in the article is that under Hansen’s proposal the money would magically come back to US citizens. Insert GIF of someone laughing here. Hansen also discusses essentially destroying international commerce, in that you would pay way more for items from other countries (and even other States) over local products.
“This would affect your lifestyle and you could make changes. When you get your new car, you better consider a more efficient one. … Are you going to commute 50 miles a day every day?â€
This from a guy who constantly takes fossil fueled travel all over the country and world. Funny how Warmists mostly refuse to change their own lifestyles. I blame them for bad weather events.

OMG. That’s like enough to turn ice to water. OMGOMGOMGOOMOMOMGOMGOMG That’s like enough to .. to.. do something.
OMGAWD, I need to go cry myself in to a puddle.
[…] William Teach noted that James Hansen, physicist, astronomer and adjunct professor at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, traveled to Santa Fe, doubtlessly by fossil fueled conveyance, to call for massively higher taxes on fossil fuels to make them more expensive than other forms of energy. Dr Hansen said: This would affect your lifestyle and you could make changes. When you get your new car, you better consider a more efficient one. … Are you going to commute 50 miles a day every day? […]