(AccuWeather) Has there been a noticeable decrease in snow cover across the northern Hemisphere since the mid 1960’s?
Well, it depends on the time of the year.
My friends from the Rutgers University Global Snow Lab (my alma mata 89′) keep a close track of global snow cover and have data that go back to the 1960’s.
For the month of January, there has actually been an upward trend in snow cover over the past dozen years. Part of the reason for this is that the significant warming in the high latitudes over the past 20 years has caused an increase in moisture (warmer air holds more moisture than cold) and thus more snowfall over areas that are normally quite dry during the winter.
See? There’s nothing that can disprove their pet cult. Under their doctrines, snowball earth was caused by too much heat.

HAHA Teach you seem bewildered by science.
The US Navy believes that the climate is changing as does 80% of all Americans, the climate truthers get smaller in number every year.
Belief has no bearing on scientific facts
Wait. John you told us awhile ago that the number of people believing in “climate change” was 90%. (This was right after superstorm Sandy.)
I could be wrong, but even without a calculator I am pretty daggone sure that 80% of the people is less than 90%
Why do you hate math and science john?
well, we know he hates women, jews, and people who think for themselves.
Yeah, it was near 100 degrees heat the other day when we got our heat sleet storm that laid down 2″ of heat.
There was a guy at work wearing shorts during our last snow it was so hot….wait, that’s just cause he’s nits and from Alaska
Don’t be racist against Alaskans and their nits.