Kentucky wants no part of the draconian gun ‘n law abiding citizen restrictions flowing from federally elected Democrats
( The state Senate on Monday overwhelmingly passed a nullification bill that would prohibit Kentucky from enforcing new federal gun control laws if they’re enacted, despite concerns about the bill’s constitutionality.
The vote was 34-3. Three of the Senate’s 14 Democrats voted no, stating that the measure would be trumped by the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause.
Sen. Jared Carpenter, a Berea Republican, sponsored the bill. He said the Supremacy Clause applies only if Congress is acting in pursuit of its constitutionally authorized powers, which he said wouldn’t apply to stricter gun measures.
“If I thought the bill would be symbolic, I would’ve written a resolution,” Carpenter told the Associated Press. “I thought it needed more than that.”
It’s not just laws that could be passed, but Obama regulations that will be ignored as “unenforceable”, particularly when it comes to scary looking guns, also known as “assault rifles”. Whether it would hold up in federal law is questionable. At least 20 other states are attempting similar measures. Of course, Democrats are claiming that the Central Planning Office is not coming for your guns, but if that was the case they’d be focusing on legislation that would target actual criminals, instead of turning law abiding citizens into criminals.
Meanwhile, in the federal Senate
(The Hill) Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) has scheduled Thursday votes on four separate gun-control measures, including proposals to ban assault weapons, to make gun trafficking a federal crime, to provide schools with enhanced security protections and to expand background checks surrounding gun sales.
These votes will be in committee. Expect all to make it out, but, as for an actual floor vote, Harry Reid is a big guns supporter, so the assault weapons ban may not ever make it. Fortunately for Team Obama, there can be no retroactive application of the gun trafficking legislation.

Yeah, can’t have pesky laws coming after him. Heck, he ignores current existing laws. Why should a dictator be bothered with laws of puny men.
Reagan was for banning assault type weapons, he was considered very conservative then, but now he would be despised as a “moderate”
Oh john, once again you mix up your facts. Reagan was against any outright ban while president and proposed legislation that was designed to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals. We all support that idea.
Later, AFTER leaving the presidency, he signed a letter saying he was for banning certain types of weapons, but admitted doing so would not be a panacea to lower crime. His letter, of course, was in the days when more criminals had weapons deemed to be “assault weapons” rather than the average person having them. This means that Reagan supported laws and their enforcement to keep criminals from guns. We support that as well.
He didn’t support an unarmed population and he was a big supporter of the Second Amendment. You and those of your ilk are not.
Reagan was a lover of freedoms and rights.
Why do you hate such things?
gitarcarver never has her facts straight,
and with good reason. She makes them up
as she goes along. Indeed, she is thr
Energizer Bunny of bullshit artists and
blowhards; i.e., she just keeps going and
going, embellishing on lies with more lies,
and relying on the probability that nobodyy
will bother to check her so-called facts.
Since you have no facts of your own to offer, why exactly should anyone believe you? All you do is assert that gitarcarver is wrong, and declare victory. You must be a liberal – it’s their standard operating procedure.
I’m more apt to believe gitarcarver than most. Despite our disagreements, it has rarely been about facts, only interpretations of their applications.
Brian would you mind not being so vitriolic.
I would agree with you.
I am for smaller government, less intrusion and more free capitalism. For the most part, I think that you are for the same. I think our last spat was based more on the circumstances, rather than philosophy.
Take care.
If you had asked gossipy busybody gitarcarver to mind her own business and/or to refrain from meddling in matters which are none of her business and which she clearly knows nothing about, and to refrain from being so presumptuous and so nervy and so snotty, I might have considered your request.
But since you did not, go fuck yourself gums. You’re probably his sock puppet anyway.
BTW, explain to me again why I should give a rat’s ass what you think about anything, jackoff?
WHOA! We have a new winner. Move on up to troll position #1. Based on recent medication successes with john, his troll position has allowed him to slip down a few notches. But, your exemplary behavior has assured your top place for a very long time.
You’re late for the party, and you don’t have a clue, not a fuck’n clue what is going on, and yet, and yet you are still very opinionated. You dumb broad. Kiss my ass.
BTW, shit-for-brains, only a fool or a retard or a psycho or an asshole or someone with very low reading comprehension would beleive that I’m a Liberal or even a Democrat.
Funny you should say that, since you voted for Obama/Biden, you stupid broad.
Ok, this must be angry john. For, anyone who disagrees with “Brian” is automatically a female obama supporter.
Why do you hate females so much? And why do you see females wherever you look? Does your stove talk to you as well? You might want to seek some professional psychological help. And yes, I’d include pharmacological help as well. And lots of it.
And why would that be, Brian?
You admitted you hired illegal aliens which is something a liberal / Democrat would do (and not a conservative / Republican.)
When that hire went bad, instead of blaming yourself, you blamed someone else which is something a liberal / Democrat would do (and not a conservative / Republican.)
You then took that experience and blamed all Hispanics as being worthless and lazy. Generally speaking, such racial division is something a trait of a liberal / Democrat would do (and not a conservative / Republican.)
Doubling down, you have since attacked Africans and by extension African Americans showing and in doing so demonstrated great ignorance which is something a liberal / Democrat would do (and not a conservative / Republican.)
When you started throwing rocks at people from your glass house, instead of accepting responsibility for your own actions, you tried to blame others including the owner of the blog who has stayed out of this for the most part. Shifting of the blame is something a liberal / Democrat would do (and not a conservative / Republican.)
Now you have started to attack people simply because they disagree with you which is something a liberal / Democrat would do (and not a conservative / Republican.)
Unable to put forth a cognizant argument, your position is that of a name calling, which is something a liberal / Democrat would do (and not a conservative / Republican.)
If you want to know why people think you are a liberal / Democrat it is because you are exhibiting the classic traits of a liberal / Democrat.
It is a case of “if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, swims like a duck, its a duck.”
Or to put it in language you can understand: “Quack.”
A pair of creepy and very sick freaks.
The reason why so few bother to blog here.
Not the comments of sane or rational folks.
Liberalism is a mental illness that is indigenous to retards, classic cases of which are crazy retards, gita and gums. What a pair of creepy losers.
Comment by gumball_brains— February 27, 2013
BTW, those are not the commments of a sane person, but rather someone who lives in his own little world of fantasies, which could explain why you don’t have a life or any friends, ya think, creep?
I had you and gita figured for a pair of psychos the first time I came here, and as insufferab;e creeps, too. A consensus, I hear.
And once again, Brian exhibits the liberal tactic of never arguing a fact, but simply attacking those who disagree with him.
LOL And again, this site’s resident sick freaks and creepy losers, gitarcarver and gumball brains, exhibit the liberal traits of being slimy, compulsive and pathological liars and unsufferable creeps.
oh, and did I mention that they are nuttier than a pair of squirrel turds?
Their bizarre outbursts, inccoherent rantings and maniacal ravins make perfect sense to them.
* ravings * argh!
Hello POT. I see you’ve met KETTLE already.