You’ll be astounded by the wonderful new ideas!
There are essentially two solutions, but neither has been deployed on a large scale. The first is to shift massively from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, especially wind power and solar power. Some countries will also continue to use nuclear power. (Hydroelectric power generation emits no CO2, but there are only a few remaining places in the world where it can be expanded without major environmental or social costs.)
The second solution is to capture CO2 emissions for storage underground. But this technology, called carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), is not yet proven on a large scale. One approach is to capture the CO2 at the power plant as the coal or gas is burned. Another is to capture it directly from the air using specially designed chemical processes. Either way, CCS will require significant investment in further research and development before it becomes a viable technology.
Hmm, I’m missing the part where Warmists practice what they preach, giving up their fossil fueled vehicles and travel, only buying local, living a full carbon neutral life.
But there is a much better strategy than tradable permits. Each region of the world should introduce a tax on CO2 emissions that starts low today and increases gradually and predictably in the future.
Hey, I have a wonderful idea: Warmists could all ride bikes to work and take all the extra money and give it to the Government to stop bad weather. It’s no wonder “green fatigue” has been setting in, when the Believers won’t do anything but agitate.

Most believers believe that when many people make small changes a big change happens GUNG HO !!
and the other…
Dang. Why haven’t they thought of this before? It’s so simple. Just switch fuel sources to something that is free and produces no harm whatsoever to the environment. Then, while that is happening in the background with no ill effect whatsoever, we will institute a tax on EVERYTHING that no one will know or feel either.
If only we can just TRY it and see if it works. I’m sure that we’d only need 10 years or so to prove that it works.
(for you newcomers here… yep, that’s HUGE sarcasm)