The real war on women
(The Blaze) Rape survivor Amanda Collins bravely spoke about her horrific attack during a Monday legislative hearing concerning Colorado’s proposed ban on concealed firearms on college campuses. She explained how she wished she would’ve had a firearm to defend herself from her rapist, which could have possibly prevented the attack from occurring.
After calling her story “unsettling,†Democratic state Sen. Evie Hudak quickly went after Collins, saying “actually, statistics are not on your side, even if you had a gun.â€
“You said that you were a martial arts student, I mean person, experienced in taekwondo, and yet because this individual was so large, was able to overcome you even with your skills, and chances are that if you had had a gun, then he would have been able to get that from you and possibly use it against you,†she added.
Hudak claimed that for every one woman who used a handgun to kill someone in self-defense, 83 were murdered by them.
“Respectfully senator, you weren’t there,†Collins said before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday. “Had I been carrying concealed, he wouldn’t have known I had my weapon; and I was there. I know without a doubt in my mind at some point I would’ve been able to stop my attack by using my firearm.â€
Democrats would rather see women disarmed and vulnerable to criminals, which highlights that what they are attempting to do is disarm law abiding citizens looking to defend themselves from criminals rather than go after the criminals. And this would turn law abiding citizens into criminals per law for simply wanting a firearm to protect themselves and their families. And, hey, if women have to be raped to reduce the number of guns in the hands of the citizenry, well, that’s a small price to pay.
And, hey, it’s not like “one in four collegiate women report experiences that fit the legal definition of rape and one in five woman are raped during their college years.” Oh, wait, it is just like that. And Colorado is set to vote on quite a few pieces of legislation that mostly go after the 2nd Amendment rights of law abiding citizens on Friday
Colorado is the same state where lawmakers have proposed using ballpoint pens, rape whistles and safe zones as an alternative to people defending themselves with a gun. Additionally, the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs advised women to urinate and vomit on an attacker.
Criminals are thrilled that Colorado may become a gun free zone.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Their surprising depths of depravity continues to surprise me. But then, when you don’t value human life, these are the results.
I support those wild ‘n crazy, mixed up kids in Colorado in their self destruction, as long as they’re contained in Colorado..