…is a planet boiling fridge (ice maker and coolants are Bad), you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with the latest on Susan Rice.

…is a planet boiling fridge (ice maker and coolants are Bad), you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with the latest on Susan Rice.
I really didn’t need to hear that news about Susan Rice to begin my day. What a sham.
I found this statement in her wiki bio ironic:
At the time of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, Rice reportedly said, “If we use the word ‘genocide’ and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November [congressional] election?” Rice subsequently acknowledged the mistakes made at the time and felt that a debt needed repaying.[17] The inability or failure of the Clinton administration to do anything about the genocide would inform her later views on possible military interventions.[18] She would later say of the experience: “I swore to myself that if I ever faced such a crisis again, I would come down on the side of dramatic action, going down in flames if that was required.”[19]
Zip is high on my daily read blogs. Good choice.
Me, I see a galley kitchen that is way too small. Note how the lady’s derriere is backed up against the oven door just to get in the fridge; if she happened to be baking a German chocolate cake for her husband, as she should be, she might just burn herself, so it’s a safety hazard as well.
This is clearly unsafe, and I would suggest that the Obama Administration needs to do something about this situation.
Careful Dana, they may just actually ban the German chocolate cake as being plainly unhealthy and no nutritional value.
Same goes for the beer that said lady is awkwardly retrieving from the CO2\sulphur-emitting electricity-eating device.
However, I for one would feel the need to directly assist her in any way, including graciously sacrificing my body by placing it between her and the hot oven.