Don’t worry, they’re just trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. No need to be alarmed
(LA Times) Efforts are underway in Congress and at least half a dozen states, including California, to raise taxes on firearms or ammunition to pay for programs targeting gun violence.
In Congress, a group of Democrats, led by Rep. Linda T. Sanchez of Lakewood, is pushing for an additional 10% tax on handgun purchases that could generate tens of millions of dollars nationwide to fund gun buybacks, firearms safety campaigns and anti-violence programs.
Legislation that would impose taxes on guns or bullets has also been introduced in Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey and Washington state. In Sacramento, a bill by Democratic Assemblyman Roger Dickinson would impose a nickel tax on every bullet sold in California to pay for screening and treating young children for mental illness.
Let’s see: I typically pay about $2.50 for a box of 50 Winchester .22LR for my Walther P22. So, that would double the cost per box.
Massachusetts state Rep. David Linsky, who has proposed a 25% tax on the sale of guns and ammunition to fund mental health programs, police training and crime victims’ programs, said that gun owners bore some responsibility for funding mental healthcare because of the effect of firearms on public health and safety.
Interesting. Law abiding gun owners bear responsibility, but apparently Hollywood, the entertainment industry, and the games industry bear no responsibility. I bet Linsky feels that Obama bears no responsibility for anything that has happened during his presidency. Want to know who does bear responsibility? Democrats, and their soft on crime policies.
In Maryland, legislation has been introduced to impose a 50% tax on most ammunition and establish a $25 annual gun registration fee.
Nope, nothing to do with infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to protect themselves.
Erika Johnson discusses a similar article on sin taxing bullets. Also available at Hot Air, we learn that Dem. Rep Jan Schakowsky wants to consider banning all handguns. But, remember, this is all about keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Or something.

There are a lot of laws that criminals already have to break to commit crimes using guns. Instead of just creating more laws for them to break, how about we tax stolen items? That way, when a criminal breaks into your house and sees your 50″ flat screen, he might not bother taking it because of the high tax involved.
excellent plan kevin. How about this one: have people who murder with guns spend some time in jail? I mean come on, who wants to spend time in jail? Or, we can have them pay for the cost of prosecution and internment?
So, gun buyers will be funding a program to buy back their own guns? So, paying extra for a gun that could be sold back for a coupon to a fast-food restaurant?
So, now we are being told that bullets kill people, not people? If they want to treat kids for mental illness, then why haven’t they done so? Why do they need to attack a non-associated group as a form of blame? Hunters pay a fee to help fund wildlife restoration. That matches and has a strong correlation. This is just a sign of a dis-associative disorder.
Ok, so now, the mere existence somewhere of a person supposedly owning a gun that can’t be seen is enough to cause a mental health degradation? LOL.
Boy, these people really do love to show how low they wish to take tyranny. Keep pushing folks. You’ll see how much we love our independence day.
And I love these fool Socialists who think that a registration fee will keep criminals from being criminals.
Personally, I would like to see the return of corporal punishment for criminals, along with real hard time.