Surprise! Colorado Big Gun Magazine Bill Could Ban Almost All Mags

Unintentional mistake in intentional “bug”?

(Daily Caller) Colorado Democratic Rep. Rhonda Fields, whose bill to ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 15 rounds ignited an ongoing firestorm of protest and which could cost the state jobs if a manufacturer of such equipment makes good on its promise to move to another state, didn’t realize that her bill would outlaw practically every magazine currently for sale in the state.

That’s because the bill specifies that magazines that can be “readily converted” to hold more than 15 bullets will also be outlawed.

Practically every magazine on the market can be easily converted with readily available extenders, as demonstrated in a video posted by John Caldera, the president of the libertarian Independence Institute.

Remember, Democrats tell is that this is all “common sense legislation that targets criminals, not law abiding citizens.” You know, those criminals who fail to follow the law.

Fields told 9News that she had no idea her bill would effectively ban nearly all magazines with removable base plates for which extenders are made.

“I’m just hearing about that now,” she told the news station. “Our focus was on the number of bullets you can put in a magazine.”

And there’s the follow of activists and hysterics writing legislation that they fail to understand in order to Do Something.

She said still supports the bill as drafted.

“I’m not envisioning changing that because of a little plate that you can pull out,” she said. “I’m hoping that people will just comply with the law.”

So, as the flaw is pointed out she states “nope, not making any changes”. She expects law abiding citizens not to purchase these magazines, which, by the law, would be most. Criminals will thumb their noses at her. Those who own them now can keep them, but cannot transfer them to anyone, including family members. They would have to be given to The Government upon death or selling the gun, which means that no one will really want to buy a gun with no magazines.

It would be a Class 2 Misdemeanor to possess (if not owned prior to July 1, 2013), sell or transfer magazines over 15 rounds after July 1, 2013.

15 round magazine? People safe in Colorado

16 round magazine? People in EXTREME DANGER in Colorado.

Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

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3 Responses to “Surprise! Colorado Big Gun Magazine Bill Could Ban Almost All Mags”

  1. john says:

    4000 vets kill themselves each year with guns.

  2. gitarcarver says:

    Most of those vets suffered from a lack of care and support which liberals and the Obama administration has cut.

    Guns have nothing to do with the rate of suicide amongst vets.

    A lack of care, which you and people 9f your ilk support, is the reason.

  3. Gumball_Brains says:

    So john, you don’t care about the number of dead children in Detroit or Chicago?

    Or the infusion of gangs in major cities?

    Or that your president is arming the drug cartels with untraceable heavy arms?

    Or that your anti-military anti-war president is heavily arming the DHS and forcing the military to operate in cities preparing for suburban warfare? Loves to kill people with drones? That loves to kill babies even in the 3rd trimester?

    But, as for your socialist commies, their whole intent is to ban all personal ownership of weapons. Doing so, allows them

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